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Couple of questions about Lugh

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:03 pm
by Romeo
Hello, just started playing again after about two years and everything has changed so much. Questions though, is there any mid level clans anymore? All I see are the noob clans and and the two end-game clans.
Also, what's happened to the prices of items on Lugh? They've gotten sooo expensive, will they ever go back to normal? For instance, sks cost so much now, sigils a lot more than they use to be, alt/rebirth prices r crazy, I've even seen pages sell for like 10k even 3k is too much for a page.

Re: Couple of questions about Lugh

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:58 pm
by Perky

Most of the lower level clans that existed died because most active people went to either Alliance or Axis.

Prices are higher than usual because people are greedy and as long as people buy those items overpriced, they keep selling it. I dont know how it goes in Axis, but in Alliance we sell these items within clan for normal prices, with a clannie discount or give them for free, like Alts and Rebirths.

Re: Couple of questions about Lugh

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:17 pm
by Critical
Hello, just started playing again after about two years and everything has changed so much. Questions though, is there any mid level clans anymore? All I see are the noob clans and and the two end-game clans.
Also, what's happened to the prices of items on Lugh? They've gotten sooo expensive, will they ever go back to normal? For instance, sks cost so much now, sigils a lot more than they use to be, alt/rebirth prices r crazy, I've even seen pages sell for like 10k even 3k is too much for a page.
Prices has gone up on all servers and will probably stay like this for a while. On Belenus the prices of hastes doubled in like 2 weeks last summer and I remember chests being worth 10k on the server in beginning of 2015 then in the beginning of 2016 they were being sold for 25k.

Re: Couple of questions about Lugh

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 6:04 pm
by Romeo
^ wait so chests cost 25k on your server?