by xyn
My thoughts on leadership positions in Ancients
As Guy has suggested, Guardians should be at least level 90 and Generals should be at least level 100. Guardianship and Generalship is not automatic. Some of the things that should be considered: is the player a natural leader, is the player active, does the player set a good example, do a number of other guardians/generals think the player should be promoted.
recruits: level 80-85, or used as a type of probation
Membership: while there is a minimum requirement of being level 80 I think that:
1. the guardian who brings a new player into the clan is 'responsible' for them. The guardian will explain the rules, policies and procedures. The guardian will explain etiquette. if the recruit is annoying or misbehaving, the guardian will be responsible to talking to them to get them straightened out.
2. the guardian should know, or have some experience with, a character before inviting them in. Failing that knowledge, the guardian should consult one or two other guardians for their opinions. If the player is unknown, we can give them a shot.
3. Membership is denied to scammers. Players who are just annoying can be allowed in, but their guardian/mentor will explain the way things get done once they are in a clan
the role of guardians and generals
in addition to bringing in new members into the clan - or kicking members out, guardians and generals are the leaders and set the tone and example for other members. I think our clan is about helping other members out, not just making a profit. Guardians and Generals should help lower level characters complete quests and help gather groups together.
When in groups, the highest level guardian or general is considered the leader. As leader, this person will decide which boss to do next (so the grp doesnt waste time deciding between two or three locations). This person will also decide if grp membership is closed, or decide to bring in other people (like lower level players who might need a quest kill).
Philosophy of the ancients
finally, i think it is important to decide amongst ourselves, how we want to behave regarding quest items and such. It is my feeling that this clan should be about group work and helping each other advance - making the clan stronger. We should be an inclusive clan, a clan that lower level characters want to join when they get to level 80. How do we do this? Some thoughts are:
1. quest items that are relatively easy to obtain (from a idol perspective, not a time perspective), should pretty much be traded or given freely. For example, gems, moon frags, skill book pages.
2. harder items like elms, rems, tabs, and bindings can be given freely, or charge a modest amount (no more than 50% market value). Needless to say, if someone benefits from getting a free quest item, they should try hard to give away a quest item to someone else who needs it.
3. rare items (stars, space, dragons, fairy diamonds) can be sold, though should be sold in clan at a good discount.
clan bank
i think we should consider some type of clan bank. perhaps an account that is shared by Toycat and 2-4 generals (people who likely do not need most of the quest items in the bank). The general rules would be something like:
1. Clan members are expected to donate at least half of the non-rare quest type items that they do not personally need. They can sell the other stuff. we can make a list of which demonstones and such are quest items.
2. rare items like dragons and space and such are a separate issue.
3. it is expected that people donate quest items if they expect to get quest items. guardians can decide to prioritize who gets quest items. A level 100 who still needs a dragon will get higher priority than a lower level character.
Another thought might be that normal quest items cost 1000. The bank will pay 1000 to get items. Keeps things neutral, but benefits those who donate a lot. Higher prices for rarer items. if we like the idea, we can make a price list somewhere. Obviously, initial seed money may be an issue. Further, we can make donations give out less than withdrawls. So the bank can build up funds.
These are just a few thoughts. I'm certain that not all of them will be popular, but it should at least generate discussion.
Civility, Integrity, and the Hermeneutic of Generosity
World: Lugh
Akbar: Ranger 220+
DrXyn-Druid 180+
Xyn: Mage 170+
Rabka: Rogue 150+
Rabak: Warrior 90+
Clan: Chieftain of Ancients