Celtic Heroes

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Re: drag disc

i know i don't see why rob needs so many and he brags about it, is he giving it to his many alts? he just wanting to keep it all and hog all the drops and show off
i know i don't see why newbs cry so much about prices, they not got gold? They just wanting to keep all the gold and hog all the gold and show off
Galactus: Level 100 Rogue
World: Taranis
Clan: Curiosity

Re: drag disc

C0ldSeerTranscendent wrote:
i know i don't see why rob needs so many and he brags about it, is he giving it to his many alts? he just wanting to keep it all and hog all the drops and show off
Robert wrote:
i know i don't see why newbs cry so much about prices, they not got gold? They just wanting to keep all the gold and hog all the gold and show off
Ok I think this post has got out of hand.
To answer what Robert said above, I think that even the thought that someone should have to pay 200k per drag is ridiculous. Thats 800k for 4 drags.
Also, the point I'm trying to make is, that everyone should have a chance to get drags for a decent price, or at least be allowed to kill Falgren in a group, and be able to get their own drags, without having some lvl 150+ camping Falgren all day, and then selling the drops he doesn't need for old prices.

I don't mind having to work for rarer quest items such as drags. It would just be nice to have the chance to. Unless you have alts who need the drags, I see no good reason why you should camp him, as this does prevent others from getting what they need.
And if what Robert says is true, that he can ks a group of Retris, who are all over lvl 100, how much of a chance does a group of people under lvl 100 have, if someone his lvl decides to be selfish and ks them.

Whether you ks people killing Falgren, or always camp him if you don't need the drop, then it's very selfish of you. And if you stil do so, at least sell the drops for prices you can expect people who don't buy a lot of plat to pay.

This isn't a stab at anyone, but I do want people to think about this. Also, I'm not trying to troll anyone, this is just my opinion, and something I think should be discussed without any huge arguements.

Re: drag disc

C0ldSeerTranscendent wrote:
i know i don't see why rob needs so many and he brags about it, is he giving it to his many alts? he just wanting to keep it all and hog all the drops and show off
Robert wrote:
i know i don't see why newbs cry so much about prices, they not got gold? They just wanting to keep all the gold and hog all the gold and show off
Ok I think this post has got out of hand.
To answer what Robert said above, I think that even the thought that someone should have to pay 200k per drag is ridiculous. Thats 800k for 4 drags.
Also, the point I'm trying to make is, that everyone should have a chance to get drags for a decent price, or at least be allowed to kill Falgren in a group, and be able to get their own drags, without having some lvl 150+ camping Falgren all day, and then selling the drops he doesn't need for old prices.

I don't mind having to work for rarer quest items such as drags. It would just be nice to have the chance to. Unless you have alts who need the drags, I see no good reason why you should camp him, as this does prevent others from getting what they need.
And if what Robert says is true, that he can ks a group of Retris, who are all over lvl 100, how much of a chance does a group of people under lvl 100 have, if someone his lvl decides to be selfish and ks them.

Whether you ks people killing Falgren, or always camp him if you don't need the drop, then it's very selfish of you. And if you stil do so, at least sell the drops for prices you can expect people who don't buy a lot of plat to pay.

This isn't a stab at anyone, but I do want people to think about this. Also, I'm not trying to troll anyone, this is just my opinion, and something I think should be discussed without any huge arguements.
preupdate theyd have been 1m for four drags
Galactus: Level 100 Rogue
World: Taranis
Clan: Curiosity

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