I'll try to outline the items we, the clan chieftains, have agreed to:
- No KSing. This goes for individual mobs and bosses. If a group is already fighting a mob or a boss (or even if a group is obviously waiting to start fighting a mob or boss), that group is the lead group. If you or your group approaches, you must ask before attacking. If the lead group does not want you to attack, respect them and dont attack. If you want to help, try healing and boosting their group members. If the lead group doesnt want even that much assistance, show respect and leave. Do not hang out and just wait for them to die. Do not wait around until they have the boss knocked down to then attack, trying to take the kill. This is not only disrespectful, but proof of regular KSing will get you booted from our clans.
- Mistakes happen. If you are helping another group (after you have asked their permission, of course) and you accidentally take the kill, apologize and give them all the drops. Do this immediately, without hesitation. This point is non-negotiable. If clan chiefs have to get involved to solve the dispute, then somebody is likely to get booted from their clan and banned from the other clans. We (all the chieftains) are tired of having to solve countless disputes.
- If a clan chief or guardian boots someone from their clan for bad behavior, that person will be banned from joining any of our clans. The offending player must make amends with their former chief before any of us will lift the ban.
- Players are, of course, free to switch clans as they see fit. As chieftains, we do not have absolute control over anyone. All players will do what they want, ultimately. If you want to leave your clan, please take some time to explain to your chief the reason why you are leaving. It's just polite.
- Our clans will not actively recruit players from other clans. If someone wishes to join our clan, and is currently a member of another clan, we should find out the reason for why they are leaving their clan. The goal is to avoid and misunderstandings with other clans.
- No begging. Some players have been observed, by all clans, to hop between clans and ask for money and items. This is not considered acceptable. It is one thing to ask once for an item. It is another to keep asking. If you start begging and bugging people for money or items, you will be booted and banned from all clans. Think twice before asking anyone for money. The answer will almost always be NO, and it is considered bad form to ask for money. Just because the rankings show a player to have a lot of money does not mean they do. The rankings show the most money a player has ever had at any given time. Plus, players may have used real world money to build up their gold. Do you ask people in the real world for money all the time? Most of us do not. It's rude.
- Members are welcome to group with any other clan's members. However, your own clan members should be given preference when possible. So, if you are in a group of players who are from another clan, and they need to add another member of their own clan, you should offer to leave the group. If they remove you from the group, dont get mad about it. Try to understand that they are just looking out for their own. We all do that.
- If you are a low level player, dont ask to join groups for high level boss hunts and dont be mad if you are asked to leave a group that is going for a high level boss. Lower levels need to gain xp in areas that are appropriate to their level before they can offer any real assistance on more difficult bosses.
- On the other hand, higher level players should try to spend at least a little time helping lower level players to level up. That means going to the lower level areas and assisting there. Dont try to bring a lvl 1-30 player into stonevale. It's too difficult to help them level and keep them alive. Also, often the highest level players can do little in groups with very low level players - other than healing and boosting. It seems (though more testing and/or reports from other players will confirm or debunk this) that if I do not get much xp from a kill, then low lvl players in my group will not get xp either. So, I propose high level players help mid level players. Mid level players help low level players.
- Watch your mouth in public chats, such as Say and Shout. Joking around is one thing. Publicly trashing players and clans is not cool. We have all been guilty of yelling something we shouldn't, particularly when we get angry. Just hold back. Cool down. Make sure you have not misunderstood someone. Do not allow yourself to get baited into a public shouting match. Nobody wants to hear it. I have been as guilty of this as anyone.
- Lets try to put the breaks on the rumor mill. We are all guilty of some degree of gossiping. The problem is that it rarely does any good, almost always does harm. Dont come to me about something someone told you that someone else said or did. I don't care. Only come to me with things you have directly witnessed or were directly involved in.
- Finally, if you have a problem with someone from your own clan, or another clan, that you have already tried to resolve peacefully, then, and only then, should you approach your chief. Believe it or not, we actually want to play the game, too. When we have to spend hours doing nothing but mediation and listening to complaints, we get irritable. We are less likely to listen. We are less likely to help. Man up, as they say, and try to resolve your own issues first. If you screwed up and you know it - own it, apologize, make amends. You will find that a lot of respect comes with admitting you were wrong. If you still cannot see eye to eye, then talk to the chieftains. Remember, however, our decisions may not be what you want - particularly in situations where is it one person's word against another. Choose your battles, so to speak. Some things are not worth getting angry over.
Spread the word. We have peace.
~aROgue, Assassins Chieftain