Agreed, also it takes a lot of arrogance to say all that without even a name to back it up. Unless of course this "MasterChace111" is one of those amazing noobs that can hang around for months without reaching 20.No not cool at all. I see it more as degrading to yourself. Thinking cussing makes you top dog cuz you have a high vocabulary in the profanity field. Having people you look up to is cool and all but I doubt Rob would like to have a "fan" like you. Tone it down abit and actually show some respect. I don't like going to every other post and seeing your name where you're throwing out cuss words thinking you're the man.Sulis is a ****** ghetto nd ya all are ****** jews. Im the best player in this ghetto. **** YOU ALL SULIS *******. Not all players in Sulis afe *******. But h3ro is *****. Rob rocks. H3ro sucks. Watch out jews, Chace is back on this shity forums. Cool, huh?
As to that big debate, I have only one thing to say.
al·li·ance [uh-lahy-uhns]
the act of allying or state of being allied.
a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes.
a merging of efforts or interests by persons, families, states, or organizations: an alliance between church and state.
(Yes I used google) also I see nothing here about one group taking advantage of another, everyone has their own views and opinions on things. It doesn't necesarily mean anyone is wrong or right, but people who are more involved most of the time know more then those uninvolved.
For example someone in ret, jah or transc might know more about the alliance then anyone from AoM or Genesis, those who know more are better informed. People in other clans might know some rumors and guesswork, but not much hard facts.
All I'm saying is that it's usually quite hard to know for sure about something unless you are part of it.