My name is Laplace, a rogue or which reputation you may be heard of from your friends, neighbors or even a player. My topic now is about my ideas, you can comment but remember it's my IDEAS, So if you have any ideas please write in the Link here: ... 23&t=82706 which you could discussed there. By all means I am just sharing my ideas hope not to be making somebody angry.
"Developer Anniversary Luxury”
I hope they making special event luxury shop
That sells XP gains charm and gives skill: Diligent (Double the XP gain by the charm, Ex. The charm gives 10%, if use skill it will become 20% for 120 seconds) by its price
Starts with low tier Lux.
Doofus Charm
-gains XP by 3%
-gives skill: Diligent
-Health: 10
-Energy: 10
-Armor: 5
Price: 10,000
Wimpy Charm
-gains XP by 10%
-gives skill: Diligent
-Health: 20
-Energy: 20
-armor: 15
Price: 20,000
Newbie Charm
-gain XP by 15%
-gives skill: Diligent
-Health: 50
-Energy: 50
-Armor: 30
Price: 40,000
Student Charm
-gains XP by 40%
-gives skill: Diligent
-Health: 100
-Energy: 100
-armor: 50
Price: 100,000
Graduation Charm
-gains XP by 70%
-gives skill: Diligent
-Health: 300
-Energy: 300
-armor: 150
Price: 400,000
Scholar Charm
-gains XP by 120%
-gives skill: Diligent
-Health: 600
-Energy: 600
-armor: 350
Price: 1,000,000
Acolyte Charm
-gains XP by 200%
-gives skill: Diligent
-Health: 1,200
-Energy: 1,200
-armor: 500
Price: 2,000,000
Sage Charm
-gains XP by 300%
-gives skill: Diligent
-Health: 2,000
-Energy: 2,000
-armor: 600
Price: 3,000,000
Master Charm
-gains XP by 500%
-gives skill: Diligent
-Health: 2,500
-Energy: 2,500
-armor: 800
Price: 4,500,000
Wise Charm
-gains XP by 700%
-gives skill: Diligent
-Health: 4,000
-Energy: 4,000
-armor: 1,000
Price: 6,000,000
Bright Charm
-gains XP by 900%
-gives skill: Diligent
-Health: 6,000
-Energy: 6,000
-armor: 1,200
+gain every ability 25% faster
+2.5% chance to evade every dmg for 60 seconds
+2.5% chance to get a drop from fighting a boss
Price: 7,000,000
Ogma Charm
-gains XP by 1,500%
-gives skill: Diligent
-Health: 10,000
-Energy: 10,000
-armor: 2,000
+gain every ability 50% faster
+5% chance to evade every dmg for 60 seconds
+5% chance to get a drop from fighting a boss
Price: 12,000,000
Omniscient Charm
-gains XP by 4,000%
-gives skill: Diligent
-Health: 30,000
-Energy: 30,000
-armor: 5,000
+gain every ability 100% faster
+10% chance to evade every dmg for 60 seconds
+10% chance to get a drop from fighting a boss
Price: 20,000,000
All of these charm could also be stacked with Lix or potions. Also these charm work on quest and bounty and also arena quests. Works with anything that gives XP
My name is Laplace, I am the fastest man alive. One soul couldn't stand against my might, in which all my power is what unknown.
Server: Sulis
Name: Laplace
Class: Rogue
Clan: SoildersofJah
Level: 150+