I don't think it particularly matters who started what at this point, and I agree that people should stop trying to be smart all the time and spamming the shout with complete and insults that serve no purpose other than to aggravate the other clan.All I see from both sides is 'Hate begets Hate begets hate'... err would it be grief?! Anyway at some point someone (or maybe a few people) needs to man up and say enough this is silly and helping nobody.
As previous examples indicate, Jah believes that once Retribution has attained some Necro loot that they will once again start griefing them however in this case will have more powerful gear and more motivation to prevent jah from progressing, which is a very valid concern. As such, Jah is merely asking for some insurance before Retribution is allowed to kill Necro, that being having a free run at some bosses without Retribution's intervention/harassment. This is not the same thing as asking for gear, merely equality which isn't much to ask for. I'm sure alternating on bosses would even be a viable solution, although then ret wouldn't have the monopolisation of the gear. (DKP)
I'm no longer in Jah, but know none of the leaders of Jah want conflict between the two clans, and I know Retribution can't say the same. So I guess it's up to them to try and work things out to make the game that's meant to be fun better for everyone.