After building a friendship for long time he asked to borrow golden camo for oblisk . Little did i know he was gonna make a post here to sell my camo and ammy i already know this guy is gonna make a secret toon because his word is no good now, i mean unles folks are ok with this sort of thig idk.
I kniw u will see this post poon if u had any strand of decency u would get my stuff back. U know i took break from rhiannon because just had baby and needed les stress invironment. Then u do this.
Thanks i hope this make u smile what a pal.
Mahdi war 150
Sik rogue 146
Fireeyes mage 137
Satori druid 133
Qtip ranger 115
And now taking break playing talib 111 ranger in arawn
XpoontangX scammed me for my camo and ammy in rhiannon
#1Mahdi 151 warrior
Sik 152 rogue
Fireeyes 151 mage
Satori 139 druid
Qtip 142 ranger
And new toon in arawn talib 130 ranger
And newest toon qtip my 82 rogue on lugh