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Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:06 pm
by Robert
Well, things are now pretty out of hand, and it's probably time to end this ksing before we enter the next stage in the game's evolution.

I've look over some of the older posts: ... =23&t=3109 ... =23&t=2885

And even this one: ... =23&t=5103

I've noticed one underlying factor in all of these posts... The solutions was for one player to respect another player, regardless of their clan.

An agreement such as this would mean there would be no ksing between clans, on bosses, and especially mobs. If one clan fails to kill a boss and it resets, then and only then would it be FFA, but once another clan engages the No-KS rule would apply.

I still believe an agreement such as this could be made on Sulis (As it has on all of the other worlds), as long as both the two warring clans agree to them.


Re: Peace

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 2:34 am
by Eragon123
I agree completely, SulisLegends and Retribution are both good clans, with nice people, the only problem is that neither clan wants the other to get the boss kill, like you said, if one gets there first, good for them, the problem is when the other clan starts attacking and tries to steal the kill. Really, its not that hard to just turn around and leave.

Guthix123, druid, Sulis

Re: Peace

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:13 am
by Ravager
I agree, and hi guth :)

Re: Peace

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 1:24 pm
by SneakyPerry
Well Rob what would be the agreement now? Supposedly Legends is a clan full of lower levels and that all the higher players left. I also saw you made you own clan, good luck on that.