In the meantime, the former Chief of Legends returned but would not join us. Thus, SulisLegends was born. The remnants of ThaiMedicare and all of the other high level outcasts joined him with the sole purpose of bringing us down. This caused the war to continue.
Oh so paranoid... Bring you down? Honestly, and I think I speak for everyone on Sulis, no one cares if your clan kills a boss, and no one is out to "bring you down"... What people really care about is how you act in the game, and if your attempts to be the best on Sulis causes you to be hated among the general community, then you reap what you sow.
Mot of the players who say negative things about us do it out of jealousy or anger. Most of them have been rejected admission to our clan for one of many reasons. RobertsRogue is the most vocal of our opponents and he seems to go out of his way to do what he can to bring us down. However, RobertsRogue is insignificant and his bitterness will be his ruin. RobertsRogue himself is one of the biggest barriers to having peace on our server.
Now, this one made me laugh... You're a joke. You talk trash to me in game, and expect me to be nice and happy about it.
What's worse is you have the audacity to come onto the forums and accuse me of opposing peace. Maybe if you were nicer to some of the people, and have the respect you claim to have, you wouldn't be the most hated clan on the game of Celtic Heroes.
Peace maybe possible someday but for now it isn't going to happen. If the current leadership of SulisLegends were to approach us, we will listen and and likely try to work something out. We would do this out of respect, not of any need to work with them. We have shown that we can control the major bosses although this is no longer as important as it used to be.
This quote here shows that you don't want peace, but you would do it out of "respect", you state this immediately before accusing me of being against peace. Do you not even feel slightly guilty? We all know you just use your clan. Why are there 200 people in the OtherWorld wasting plat over an argument between only a select few. (I'm not one of them, I started in Update 3).
So Phule, before you come on forums arguing about how your clan is innocent and everyone else is to blame, why don't you actually consider what YOU do and what YOU say.
IMHO Phule is the most arrogant player on Celtic Heroes, so much so as he tells me I can't KS his level 130 ranger...
“Brevity is the soul of wit.”