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What happen to retri n me

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:13 pm
by kelosg
Hi everyone,
this is osgkel. first i have to say this is going to be a boring topic, cos is a history on how retribution is being an total idiot.
First i love this game alot from start, i know some really good friend, which i keep in contact although we didnt play much now.
It all started when chrome lanvince and me started playing this game, trying some random games to have fun. main focus is really to have fun. celtic heroes prove this point and we get to know zork.
Have to admit we are not so serious player at start, but slowly we are really serious in this trying to grind forge the weapon, try challenge some boss just for the kick of it. We got kind of serious when we lvl 90, we invest in plat as to get all diamond gears.
During that time we heard stories of 2 big clan, retri n endure. How they get into mess, how they always challenge each other, blah blah blah.

we didnt join any of this clan, cause we like to challenge ourselves. Cos from what i see, ppl who join retri n endure is want to get a more easy life in this game. as they just need to party in and kill bosses.

we join twisted legion under the leader of zelzera. we are a small clan at start, but is fun. everyone in that clan trying to grind higher than the next one, we are trying all ow boss by ourselves, the tree lord blah blah blah. Cos in ow is used to be only 2 clan who kill bosses. we are the upcoming clan. and we think it be quite cool to be the third upcoming clan.

i have to say during the time when we are building this clan, both clan treat us well. as wizzy or impeccable or nimue will come and talk to us.
when we killing bosses, they will not ks at all.

but during tat time highest lvl is zel with 130.

But as time goes by. we can really tell what the retri is really make of.

conflict happen, twisted got ks. and start the same thing again. leaders start to talk. then retri KS again or spoil the fight.

we have some rough patch with endure too. but i can say is minimum.

one incident when my grp is killing the blue eye boss, retri suddenly just come in to ks us. is quite spectacular, as we have 2 retri in our party. Diamondrouge n zoroark. after we being ks, reason we being told of why they ks is because endure is coming to kill it. So to prevent them from killing the boss, they have to kill it from us.

As u all know diamond rouge is from retri. we know each other from this game. we are consider as very close, cos we are grinding together from lvl 90- lvl 130. without exlier. so u all can imagine how we grind, everyday we will put in 6-7 hours in this game. We are so close that he refer us as his family~

u all may know him as a gd person as he seem to be the one who always try to nego peace.

i going say a incident, u all may judge from here on how retri react.

we found woodcrown and ready to take on it, we take down a few times so we know we kill slowly but we will kill it. in my party is twisted member n diamond rouge. then suddenly retri appear, nito tiger eye blah blah blah came.
n my beloved "family" dr leave our party to join theirs. They succeeded, reason dr give me on why he need to leave the party to ks us is because nito give the orders~ i may sound like a *** loser here, but i dun really care how i sound like.

those in this game long enough should know this. no matter is retri or sulis they ks quite a lot i say. but retri never admit. they will tell u diferent reason of why they ks. sulis when they ks, they tell u straight in the face. u all may think thats no diff as both end up being ks. but i feel, if i got slap i rather u admit it openly.

and why do i join sulis in the end?

cos one fine day, deadroot is up, before all these we have agreement with retri on who got to hit first, the another party will not ks. Nito n Tigereye give their word. so this particular day, we went to kill deadroot, retri n twisted is there waiting. we got our first hit like for 2 mins head start, nito start to ks it.

As usual, retri always have their reason, this reason he tell me is he purposely give up exiler to come here. so he not coming here in vain.

when i remind him abt the agreement, this is wat nito reply, "hey we can destroy ur clan anytime we want but we just didnt do it. Do not take our sympathy as granted" and normally there is always a low lvl beggar with a high lvl this particular is bandos. he just lvl 90 i guess, throwing stupid comments like "u all really think u can do it with u this clan?" duh~

im lvl 123 that time. we only equipped with frozen boots n helmet which twisted farm these ourselves which the highest lvl 130 zelzera.

so me n my grp join sulis, nt for equippment but revenge~

i think tats a need of me posting this post, reason is bcos retri ppl, espically the high lvl ppl love to make up story to victimise themselves, like story of we have to do this cause last time they do this Blah Blah Blah
This is just my story, i believe there got more stories out there.

Anyway retri is a strong clan, i have to admit, strongest in the whole game. But charactor wise u got in ur clan, is doubtful

ps. ironic of this story the leader of twisted legion zelzara is now in retri. rofl.

Re: What happen to retri n me

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:37 pm
by SneakyPerry
Nice post I have to say I've been in both clans and each is biased towards the opposing clan. Also Zelzara quit the game I believe his brother Steelo took over his account. Right now I feel like you did when you were in Twisted (I'm in Olympian).