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To End Spamming :P

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:14 pm
by PhantomLink
We need a market place in sulis :D
There are always people complaining about spam while attempting to level or kill bosses
If there was a market place:

- people will not be constantly spammed by others trying to buy or sell things
-people who are buying or selling things will easily find it in the market place
-it would be good for others to find a place to relax and spend all their hard earned gold (unless you scamm lol)

-there may be an overflow of spams in the market place
-people may not allways find the items they are looking for due to others not being present in the market

If this market place were to be established, were would it be?
Perhaps in an unused area such as the tavern or castle

Leave you opinions on why or why not this should be made :P

Re: To End Spamming :P

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:34 am
by TheMightyChace
very good idea bro, ret stop spam

Re: To End Spamming :P

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:18 pm
by PhantomLink
Thanks :)