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Sulis sucks balls

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 2:40 am
by Peata
Sulis sucks ass. Simple as that. Ive visited crom, rhiannon, gwydoin, and danu and sulis sucks. The high lvls on other servers friend u, ask if u need help and then tell u to let them know when u need them. Rhiannon is the best. No doubt at all. RaptureEve is full of the nicest people and EternalSin has quite a few nice people. Retribution makes this game suck for everyone. Im totally serious. -.- ya know how many camos are on rhiannon and are twisted between clans unlike ret hoarding them all? Theres tethering 50 camos shared around there. They also dont have aggra banks. Where drops from aggra are thrown there for Phule to drool over. -.- the only decent people on sulis are mostly in legends......probably 1 in ret.....2 in absinthe and a couple in jah......all u people in ret go get a life. U all suck. Sulis is the wand server of all of them. GO GET A *** LIFE!!!!

Re: Sulis sucks balls

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 2:51 am
by Elion
I have an idea. LEAVE SULIS. We dont need to hear ur crying and profanity.

Re: Sulis sucks balls

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 3:17 am
by The Aggronator
What exactly do you want us to do about it? Do you want us to give you free money? You want us to 'share' Camos with you? How about I level your account for you? Oh, I think I know what you want. Is it the Aggra drops you don't have the level req. for? Maybe we could message you whenever Falgren is up so you could get some money selling those drags too!