Unfortunate News and Questions!
Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:27 am
So my iTunes account is stupid, and doesn't let me fix it... So I can't buy platinum because of it. I paid $200 on iTunes apples and sent the codes to my friend so he'd download the $200 and mail me the items I wanted from the plat (400 Chests & 124 Super Combo Elixirs). He's from the UK so my US money doesn't follow through with his account. If he were to make a US Apple Account would the money then work and be transferred into plat even though he's in the Uk? I'm going to have a lot of angry customers today but hopefully (if my luck turns around) I'll have the chests to sell this afternoon! I'd like to apologize to everyone that has made an order on the chests and those that were looking into buying them. Everything will be resolved soon though (with hope).