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Buying Lots of Items!

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 12:44 am
by Aggex
Hey Guys!
Im Buying a Minstrels Lute, Askold, Ymir, and Grimling Weapons, Snowman and Pumpkin Wand, Midsummer and Solstice Gear, and a Bat Mask!

Pm, Mail, or Reply if You Have Any!

Aggrim-Lvl 123-Rogue-Gen of AngelsOfMercy
Pylios-Lvl 80-Druid-Chief of Supreme

Re: Buying Lots of Items!

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:47 am
by BrutalBoyZ
I have a lute how much will you pay for tht