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I am selling!

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:45 am
by T-Rhexx
Greater Reaper -6k
Minor Reaper (x2) -2k
Frosty Candycane (x2) -200g
Pink Candycane -400g
Yellow Candycane -800g
Burning Brand -4k
Red Party Crown -500g
Pink Party Crown -500g
Orange Party Crown -500g
Green Party Crown (x7) -1k
Turquoise Party Crown -2k
Purple Party Crown -2k
Red Huntsman's Mask -500g
Pink Huntsman's Mask -500g
Orange Huntsman's Mask -500g
Yellow Stalker's Mask -1k
Blue Huntsmaster's Mask -2k
2012 Pumpkin Hats (x2) -3k
2012 Yuletide Hat -3k
Blue Yuletide Helper's Hat -4k
Purple Yuletide Helper's Hat -4k
Red Diadems -200g
Pink Diadems -200g
Yellow Diadems -300g
Turquoise Diadems -500g
Frostbite Spell Tome -2k
Red Garland -200g
Pink Garland -200g
Green Tooth of the Snow Bear -1k
Yellow Heart of the Ice Golem -1k

If you see an item that says [Example: Common Chicken (x4) -1g] then I am implying each chicken is worth 1g so if you want them all you pay 4g. If you are interested in any item the easiest way to contact me is by mailing CAUTION or FatherTanner. If you want information on any item mail CAUTION, if you send the correct amount of gold mail FatherTanner and write down somewhere in the letter about what you are buying you'll be sent whatever it is you asked for. If you don't trust me then mail CAUTION and we can find a time to meet up and trade. Simple as that, I hope to sell most of this. Thanks Sulis!

Re: Clearing my bank of items I no longer need.

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:55 am
by Siryourchange
Both torches at bottom 1k msg showercurtain

Re: I am selling!

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:39 pm
by T-Rhexx

Re: I am selling!

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:50 pm
by Siryourchange
Let me know if you get any purple frostguard man