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Reverence, recruiting thread!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:31 pm
by Harry1256
Hey there! just wanted to make a thread to tell sulis the clan revernece is recruiting, we are a small clan, early on the dl ladder but getting there. The clan is 120+ besides people we know well. We are more damily then anything. Just a group of good friends having fun! heres a description from one of our clan memembers for you:
Lmao. Moocow broke up, so Reverance is the new one?

Moocow was broken by guess who, prior Genesis members. This one has none of that, and we are all family in Reverence. We don't really accept anyone we don't know, just to be sure nothing stupid happens. With drops members obtained whilst in Moocow, Reverence has been able to gear a warrior's (zInfurnus) dragonlord gloves, and a rogue's (Mischief) dragonlord gloves.

I have a feeling this is a gonna be a good one. At last a clan made up of friends, and not of high levels, or platinum users. We still encourage leveling and bossing, but we only have a tone of seriousness most of the time. (Doesn't mean we can't laugh or joke while leveling or bossing). We judge you more on you who you are, rather than what you are, if you know what I mean.

I really have a good feeling that this clan is going to be a good one. :D Teehee

Its true that a lot of members from moocow came to reverence but we arent moocow reincarnation at all.
Our main focus is to have fun, and like ghostbro said we judge mainly on who you are, not your level or gear.
We encourage leveling but we arent too serious and strict about it, more layed back then anything. The clan was designed for less then we have, so we have tactics to kill bigger dragonlord bosses with the requirements almost completed, more people just means easier tactics and more efficient bossing (not frequent, we frequently boss anyways) and more fun!
The only thing ghostbro got wrong there is, we geared infurnus's , mischief's gloves by dl we got ourselves.

So, if you're interested or want to know more, please give me or one of our guardians/ generals a shout ^~^ our generals are

(I reccomend asking them for more information or an invite above all)

Also, all the generals and the chief (me at the moment) alternate round for who's most available , and who's most convenient at the time.

Thanks! :D ;)

Re: Reverence, recruiting thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:56 am
by Siryourchange
If you are a clan of friends why are you recruiting let alone recruiting lvl 120+ and accepting lower idk i guess im confused

Re: Reverence, recruiting thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:19 am
by Harry1256
For people we dont know well the req is 120+ to be safer, we judge on who you are not what you are, we are a clan of just friends, and new recruits become our good friends because we are very chatty and friendly in the clan. We allow lower levels like alts. Or people we know irl who are just starting

Re: Reverence, recruiting thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:23 pm
by Candies
Yo Boaiz, if I wanted to join, could I get in?