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Xfer from gwydion

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:14 am
by Think
After looking at the leaderboards for this server. It seems like this one is farther behind on rangers. And thats what i wanna be. So i wanna join here hahah.

Before i join. I would like to know a little about you guys.
-Hows the clans
-kill mord regularly?
-lots of lock battles?
-Prices of all types of lix
-Prices of Midnight tali
-prices of spec reaper rings
-do aggy drops sell
-how much are aggy rings/braces
-how much are rare mounts. Like divine brooms
-how much are rare fashion items. Like white lugh and coven
-how much is radiant es sets

I think thats all for now

Things to xfer:
-Golden Bloodlust (no clue price in gwydion)
-Heroic Gloves (100k)
-Heroic Boots (100k)
-Heroic Ammy (150k+)
-10 per tick hp brace (70k+)
-Blue Coven (200k-350k)
-Golden Bodkin of Spirits (idk)
-Golden Blade of Ice (180k+)
-Fiery Axe of Triumph (250k+ if im thinking of right one)
-Spectral Talisman (1.5m+)
-Tons of fashion (to much to name or price)
-170 Heroic Travel Lix (1k-1.5k each)
-260 Heroic Health Lix (1k each)
-195 Heroic Haste Lix (2-3k normally each)
-245 Heroic Wisdoms (No more than 500g)
-290 Heroic Energy (No more than 1k)
-28 Combos (7-8k each)
-190 Knows (3-4k)
-5 Heroic Knows (5-6k)
-1987 Rez Idols (100-200g each)
-3417 Restos (150-300g normally)
-4,689,036 Gold (4,689,036 gold normally)

Thats all the main items. Got more tho. Pm me in game @ Sublime or here on forums. Ty

Re: Xfer from gwydion

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:01 am
by H3ROBigG
You're not going to get a legitimate answer lol. Mail me in game at my rogue toon H3ROsRogue if you're serious though.

Re: Xfer from gwydion

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 4:25 am
by Think
Got scammed. Its a no go