Looking to transfer some of my goodies from Herne to Sulis. Have about 1.5 mil to 2 mil of stuff that I am willing to part with
-includes a black mask of lugh
-purple party hat (2012)
-tons of lux
-tons of fash
-lots of gold
- aaand chickens
I am a level one warrior in Sulis called Salohcin or hit me up in Herne, I am Darkeice.
Looking forward to join this world and having fun with you guys.
World Transfer
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Click this. I dare you. Bet you wont.
Find me on Herne - Darkeice
Or on Balor - MisterWiskers
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Click this. I dare you. Bet you wont.
Find me on Herne - Darkeice
Or on Balor - MisterWiskers
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