My name is Laplace, a rogue or which reputation you may be heard of from your friends, neighbors or even a player. My topic now is about my ideas, you can comment but remember it's my IDEAS, So if you have any ideas please write in the Link here: ... 23&t=82706 which you could discussed there. By all means I am just sharing my ideas hope not to be making somebody angry.
“New ways, new quest line and more!”
I always thought OTM creates the events, I mean many events but those event have come to a blank they just disappeared as they wish last 3-4 months. I think they should make something that will make you or new players know that it does exist. So my ideas are simple, I wanted OTM to creates the new maps that including the past events map ex. Dor-Klens mountains, which is made an mountain theme map and you can explore and buy the Luxury in an increased price in the cause of past event. A Wyldwood forest which you could explore, fight the mobs to leveling, and also buying the luxes in the increased price in the cause of past events etc. They should make the land of HyBrasil the island which according to the sea-chart, It would be a great place to leveling.
It should adds a quest line which is more fun and can be selectable ex. is the Samhain 2013 is about the Witch comes to Lirs and also the Witch finder which comes to hunts down and stopped the invasion of the Witches. In ordered to do the quest you need to choose between the 2 sides, Which is The Witches or The Witchfinder. Both will end by the way you choose. And will reward you the reputation in their sides ex. If you completed the witch finder questline you maybe able to be their heroic by the title you gain, reputation in the groups of witch finder. And more rewards. The more you completed the more you will get!!!
The Rules
-The events that should be made is only the pasted events NOT the event that occurs now.
-The Chests or past events chest, and fashion will not be sell or didn’t exist due to the players demand.
-The quest you choose affects the way mobs attacks you, ex. you choose witch finder when you passed the witches they will attack you vice-versa.
-The past event luxes should be expensive the way more or may increased the price doubled depends on how long that event gone.
-Some lands required you to do their quest ex. the HyBrasil island you need the sea chart which drops from Blackstorm. And you may send it to Torbin then he could do the last -wishes of his by carrying you to the island of HyBrasil.
-Further more nothing has been thinking of.
My name is Laplace, I am the fastest man alive. One soul couldn't stand against my might, in which all my power is what unknown.
Server: Sulis
Name: Laplace
Class: Rogue
Clan: SoildersofJah
Level: 150+