Why was my topic deleted and my support never answered in game...
My rogue was named 'pedofile' as a joke , so I'm assuming that was the reason.
I just wanted to know if we could just work on a simple solution like an easy name change?
Let me know if we can work something out.
I would love to get back playing again.
Re: My rogue was deleted.
#2BTW This is Axeshredder Pedo and I just wanna say i support this message 

Re: My rogue was deleted.
#3Thanks Axe, hopefully they can find a solution! I'll let you know, thanks for the support!
Re: My rogue was deleted.
#4Next time get a bether name ....But i have seen u on the game 

You get what you give
Trust your friend and they gonna trust you.....
Enjoy The Game!
Trust your friend and they gonna trust you.....
Enjoy The Game!
Re: My rogue was deleted.
#5dude your posting that ur acc got deleted in every single world and forum, do you have an "pedofile" acc username in every world?
Re: My rogue was deleted.
#6Not sure where you are looking but i have only posted it in Mabon. Thanks for your support though!