Purple discontinued Snowbound candycane
1m foc ammy
Primal blade
Ice chests 10k each
Aggy bracelets for firebolt/firestorm
+5-+8 rings for firebolt and firestorm
1m yule staff for foc ammy or selling name your price in items lix or chests
Magus set depending on offer.
Will change as more is added pm me on forums for items ty.
Re: buying/selling
#4Who are ya in game alpha just wondering?
I am Radioactive! 220+ EDL Rogue Proud member of Wolfgang!
Alt: Rhinoking01 full DL ranger lvl 180!
Server: Mabon
"You just can't beat the person who won't give up." - Babe Ruth
Alt: Rhinoking01 full DL ranger lvl 180!
Server: Mabon
"You just can't beat the person who won't give up." - Babe Ruth
Re: buying/selling
#6hey I have the rarest snowbound candycane if u wana buy
Name: SneakyAttack
Class: Rouge
Clan: Proud member of Insanity
Lvl: 160+
World: Mabon
Class: Rouge
Clan: Proud member of Insanity
Lvl: 160+
World: Mabon
Re: buying/selling
#7Wtf seriously?MagedwithRage

Currently actively playing the game.
Re: buying/selling
#8Purple snowbound? The discontinued one?hey I have the rarest snowbound candycane if u wana buy
Re: buying/selling
#9And yeh bro couldnt think of anything else lmao. Dont worry im not acting like him most people in mabon think crom is stupid anyway lmao.what seriously?MagedwithRage