I'm back but starting afresh with you guys
#1Hey guys I doubt anyone remembers me I had toons such as penvro Gillian evil *** and Evin *** I took a 4 month break becuase of some drama and I hoped when I came back everything would be fixed sadly it was not to be so I'm starting afresh having pretty much no clue what I'm doing I'm LV 13 but should be LV 50 in no time and looking for a family that can help me get the gear and is friendly overall
i may suck but you try and try again and never give up
penvro lv112 ranger- most likly going to retire soon
glyniss derbody lv59 rogue
soon to create a druid
penvro lv112 ranger- most likly going to retire soon
glyniss derbody lv59 rogue
soon to create a druid