Hi everyone. For the record, I am not trying to stir up any drama and il try to avoid any part that would call anybody out because this isn't intended to start any sh*t. I have been reminiscing about my history in this game and decided to write it out for myself. I realize this is extremely long and barely anyone will read it all but if you do I hope you enjoy it!
I never played a game like ch before I started in June 2012. I started a rogue at first, which I stopped at level 30 because I didn't like the class. Then I made a warrior which I got to lvl 50 but deleted because I thought the game was bugged after I couldn't find any quests past shalemont. Then I made a ranger which I also deleted around level 50 because I didn't really like the class. Then I made my warrior which I use to this day named AceTheCreator. The two things that really helped me making chars over and over was I xferred all my gold/items before deleting the chars and i learned from my mistakes. By the time ace was level 60 I had 200k to buy a heroic ammy.
So I started levelling. I never joined any clans because I wasn't too interested. Masmar seemed like the only legit option when I was lvl 60 but i said screw it and bought 2$ of plat so I could start WolfGang. I sat at the beach that day waiting for a few new players to ask if they wanted to join. That's where I met HealingBeans who was my first real friend in the game and he became my second in command. Then one day while beans and I were fighting defectors we met Balstrodamis who quickly became good friends with us and joined the clan. We started fighting the stone fangs and redbanes and slowly worked our way up. Eventually more people joined. The other semi legit noob clan Rebelz started beefing with us so we would trash talk and have fun with the rivalry. It was never anything serious or disrespectful.
I grinded my way to level 100 (not even knowing about lixs). I still didn't kill falgren. I would see the mark on my map every time he spawned tho and usually ran over where elite or elders were usually killing. I'd politely ask to join and said I would hand over drops but i never was allowed to join.
Eventually the clans core was really tight with the main people being myself, balstro, beans, entity, gebu, dismantledsouls, omega and celtichero. We were really tight and it was a lot of fun. I kept levelling til I was level 100 and it was a huge milestone for me. Then I started levelling with a mage named Thoth and that's when I found a real endgame player to lix with. He really showed me the ropes and taught me the history of mabon which was really interesting to me. I looked up to Thoth especially when I found out he was the creator of Masmar and what that clan went through. I continued levelling to 120 I believe when I was asked to join elders which was a difficult decision for me to leave Wolfgang but it was necessary for me to take the next step in the game. I joined elders for a week and had a lot of fun but decided Wolfgang was where my friends were so that's where I wanted to play. I was still on good terms with elders and eventually I rejoined them for what I thought would be for good seeing a few of my close friends in Wolfgang joined elders as well.
Elders was very fun. The people were very mature and friendly. They were also pretty smart and talented players. We eventually gathered the troops to kill aggragoth (for what I think was the first Aggy kill outside of elite) for my first time. During the fight there were a handful of elites that tried pulling Aggy up a wall so we couldn't target him when they realized they wouldn't be able to ks.
I didn't really pay elite much attention before this. Elites leaders tried telling me that the door was open when I was around level 130, but I was loyal to elders. Elite seemed pretty friendly to me but the rivalry was started for me when they tried messing with our Aggy kill with what I would consider to be cheap tactics.
Elders didn't kill Aggy after that. Elite started becoming more active again and I will give them much respect for that. We (elders) still killed the otherworld bosses regularly though. But eventually things started to slowly fall apart from within for elders from my pov. I don't want to point fingers at anyone so I won't, but my friends from Wolfgang who joined elders were unhappy and I logged on one day to find out elders concil decided to kick out my best friend. I told them minutes before they did that id leave as well and that I'd like to talk to them first. They never gave me that opportunity. They kicked out my friend and I sadly left elders immediately.
The next few weeks playing the game were not fun for me. A few of my friends stopped playing, Wolfgang had collapsed when I was in elders and I was left as a top level player with some of the best gear but feeling very empty. I went around mabon by myself looking to help lower level players here and there if I could. During this time, elite asked me to give them a trial week to see if I liked it. I didn't have anything else going on. I decided to see what it's like. I really didn't expect to stay at the end of the week and I honestly didn't want to. I respected most of elite but they weren't my friends before that(nothing personal). The week passed quickly. I was pretty quiet. Elite seemed cool but I couldn't really be myself. At the end of the week I told a leader I was going to leave and they kicked me out.
Eventually I created a new clan with entity and balstrodamis called revival, to try to compete with elders and elite. We had some good victories and had some good people in clan. We geared a decent amount of chars in frozen armour in a short period of time but eventually the game wasn't fun for me and I was burnt out so I took a 6 month break. The level cap was still 150 at this time and the content was too limited to keep playing over and over again for me.
When I returned, the carrowmore update had been out for a while. There was a lot of players already level 180. I didn't know how serious I would take the game again or where I would end up. I steadily started levelling my warrior and rogue without a clan.
Eventually I decided to take up the Wolfgang banner again. It really did feel like my true home in the game and I knew I wanted to be a leader. I didn't really start by recruiting anyone. I had about 10 players who were around my level ask to join. We had a pretty good core to work with.
We started working with elders on the easier dl bosses. It wasn't pretty but we were getting a few kills here and there. There wasn't more then a group of us but we were some of the best players in mabon in my opinion who were coming together to at least try and figure out these dl bosses. Usually we would have elite root the boss while we kited it and seeing we were underpowered and didn't have what I imagine is the recommended amount of players to take on the boss it was hard. So sometimes the rooting tactic would make us wipe, sometimes we would pull through and get the boss, and sometimes we might've lost the fight even without having elite grief us, but that's part of learning how to fight new bosses in my opinion. I'm not trying to complain but just give the story from my perspective.
Eventually a few other clans started falling apart while I was building up Wolfgang and we had more intelligent/talented players joining. I was very active and watching over the clan as best I could, while also levelling my rogue and warrior and learning how to fight the dl bosses. It was very stressful but rewarding. In my opinion during the early days of carrowmore and moving forward, a clan was needed to give the skilled and mature players of mabon a alternative to elite.
Wolfgang (and mabon in my opinion) was very lucky to have a strong core of leaders come together at the start. Goatsmilk, hova, shadowed, Liz, azeena, and Ivanhoe all represented what I wanted from the clan in their own way so they became wolfgangs leaders. Entity (as omni) was also a great leader who was really the only one I had help from day one when I started Wolfgang in the first place. Wolfgang wouldn't have been possible without her. And Wolfgang wouldn't have survived and grown without the players who have given their time and effort into making a enjoyable clan where you can be friends with each other while still being competitive at an endgame level. Wolfgangs had a uphill battle but I'm sincerely proud of where it is today and proud of everyone in the clan.
I don't really know too much about what happened after I left but when I came back and saw the results it was a great feeling. Again I want to say thank you to the players of Wolfgang and the players that have helped Wolfgang get to where it is. I also want to say to my friends in mabon I appreciate the good times and the memories. To the players I haven't gotten along with at times, I still wish success and happiness for you. For now, the rest of the story is still to come.
Re: Short essay on my history in mabon
#2Great story Ace, gotta love those Revival times!
WolfGang are only gonna get stronger from here
WolfGang are only gonna get stronger from here

Clan: WolfGang
Chaz - Level 185+ Ranger - Full DL
Inferno19 - Level 127+ Mage
Sneakystrike - Level 195+ Rogue - Full DL
EpIcHeaLzz - Level 137+ Druid
Tankerzz - Level 127+ Warrior (PvP Beast: Invincible Veteran)
World: Mabon
Chaz - Level 185+ Ranger - Full DL
Inferno19 - Level 127+ Mage
Sneakystrike - Level 195+ Rogue - Full DL
EpIcHeaLzz - Level 137+ Druid
Tankerzz - Level 127+ Warrior (PvP Beast: Invincible Veteran)
World: Mabon
Re: Short essay on my history in mabon
#3My name was celticshero
nice to see history played over
i miss the old days, and it makes me rlly nostalgic
im glad you are back, and i hope you continue to have fun in game 

World- Mabon
Sopdu- 180 rogue-ranting
CelticsHero- 144 warrior-ranting
"Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead."
"no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed. This is my kingdom, come."
Sopdu- 180 rogue-ranting
CelticsHero- 144 warrior-ranting
"Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead."
"no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed. This is my kingdom, come."
Re: Short essay on my history in mabon
#4My chars were only around level 60 when revival was around, but I been in Wolfgang a lot, and I loved it
Thund3rstruck- 225 DG Warrior
St0rm- 215 Druid
Bowz- 215 Ranger
St0rm- 215 Druid
Bowz- 215 Ranger
Re: Short essay on my history in mabon
#5Good story from a herne player.i remember your toon wolf on here. When I was lower level I would make a wolf sound (type it) and you would go AHWOOOO.
times like that were fun I'm not sure if you remember me, or the clan I am in's struggles with griefing clans on herne. But its still there, it was nice hearing something go from negative to positive on this server for ya. It makes the game feel infinitely more rewarding in the long run, which I started playing this game.
WHITExLOTUS-180 warrior ret.
RANGEDxLOTUS-175 ranger main

WHITExLOTUS-180 warrior ret.
RANGEDxLOTUS-175 ranger main
Re: Short essay on my history in mabon
#6Heya ace awesome post. Good to see that side of the story of Mabon. I’m gonna show gebu this post she’d love to read it hehe. I loved the competition we had minus the grief stuff. I should write up a post like this from my point of view. Nemesis<Haven<Elite<Wolfgang<insanity<Myrmidons< and now currently in Novalis.
~pixxie, whiteyes, thedoctor
~pixxie, whiteyes, thedoctor
IGN-Whiteyes 231Ranger, g0lden 220 Warrior, The Doctor 213 Druid
Clan- Novalis
Clan- Novalis
Re: Short essay on my history in mabon
#7Miss ya buddy
World- Mabon
Lvl 227 rogue- Bangin
Lvl 150+ warrior- Sergio1575
Lvl 227 rogue- Bangin
Lvl 150+ warrior- Sergio1575