I'm not a scammer
#1Just to let everyone know, I was hanging out in fragar castle, just having a good time, when "Name Removed* asked me if i wanted 500,000 gold. I said "sure." Because nobody is going to turn down 500,000 gold, or at least not me.He then told me to give him my username and password, and I said,"No." "Name Removed* then told me to have it my way, then he started shouting that i am a scammer and i was asking for his user an password. I shouted that I'm not a scammer, and "Name Removed* is a scammer asking for my user and password. then "Name Removed* started shouting about how he wouldn't do that because there is no reason he would want a level 21 account. Just so everyone knows, I am not a scammer.
Last edited by Voldemort on Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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