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A mabon lottery

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:37 pm
by BleedingMagic
Hey all, i have recently tried to start a lottery on mabon just for fun. I also found people in the castle didn't really like the idea, I shouted i was starting a lottery and all the shouts i got back were lololol, stfu and are you serious? I have decided to start my lottery using the forums instead.

The lottery will start out small, so low prices for a ticket. The numbers available will be 1-100. Each ticket will cost 100 gold. I will use roll dice to pick the winning number. If two or more people pick the same number and the number wins, i will use to choose the winner out of those people.

Entering is simple. Send a letter using the mail box to me, BleedingMagic. Wright the numbers you would like in the message and attach 100 gold to the letter per number. I will draw the winner by the end of the week. I will send the winner their money through the mailbox system, and take a tiny cut, approx 5%, to pay for stamps and the time this takes. That means you get 95% of the pot, much better than most lotteries.

Hope you all like the lottery and may luck be with you if you enter. :D


Re: A mabon lottery

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:11 pm
by Peter22
Hey,it's Peter22 and can I be in the lottery I realy need the gold and I'm lvl 79

Re: A mabon lottery

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 4:33 am
by BleedingMagic
I have changed the winning number from being chosen by google random, to being chosen by roll dice, just for convenience.

Re: A mabon lottery

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 1:26 am
by AsieBoo
Nice thats cool more people are involved :)