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i might come home

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:36 pm
by zrutegw2
hey guys mabon was my first world back in 2011 and had been my only world for about a year and a half im thinking about comeing back ive been to alot of worlds and there all boring lvled hundreds of toons and i miss my friends here who prob have moved on sadly....
so im tyin to decide weather or not to come home or find anoher world to try and inhabit
my main would be druid (because druids are the most fun class ever!!!!)
prob be xfer a good 2m ish from danu/arawn
and i hope to get back in touch with my friends from mabon id i decide to come home
anyways ttyl guys

p.s. blunt ur still as big a nub as when u were the lvl 32 ancient armored rogue tryint to lvl with out lux in shale :) just more gear than befor hehehehe

and if u wanna xfer me here from danu pm on here or kik me at gabifornia i got alot in danu