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Am i right or Wrong? #Mabon#Drama

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 6:51 am
by JustYoloSwagIt420
Hey so 2 days ago i went on a bossrun with a few people, one guy from clan RIP of mabon and the other 2 were mid range levels,
we killed bramblebark and larchthroat, larchthroat dropped a fabled ring of natures touch, which i and one guy suggested we roll for it , then the other 2 said no, so next boss dropped a firestorm training manual and all 3 said roll for it and i said no...
however everything esculated from there, firstly i was spamm traded in group from one guy saying im a drop stealer, then i was labelled a ''scammer'' then all of clan RIP isint allowed to help me kill anything now and they also said theyre gonna kill me when i go for my daily arena quest. (lol)

this is a big issue, some people from rip are going around saying im a ''scammer'' for not handing the drop over and some say they will report me.
Im kinda annoyed, they should of at least rolled for the fabled natures touch ring since i requested for it to be fair for us to roll for the firestorm manual...
oh well tell me what ya think about this :D

I kinda think its unfair because we didnt roll for the other drop but oh well...

Re: Am i right or Wrong? #Mabon#Drama

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:50 am
by Foool
If everyone at the boss kill were already grouped the drop is an automatic roll, why roll again? I dont understand why people roll in these situations. Those who didnt get the drop just want another shot at getting it. I suggest you make some friends who aren't stupid and as selfish then go kill bosses with them.


Re: Am i right or Wrong? #Mabon#Drama

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:20 am
by SubZ3ro
Meh, RIP is a terrible clan anyway, join feeder, we are mainly ex-RIP and we have a GOOD chief, Mike is weak, not worth staying in his clan, who is your character anyway? Just thinking, we let mainly anyone 105+ but usually try keep it lvl 130+.

Re: Am i right or Wrong? #Mabon#Drama

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:36 pm
by Sasuke
Meh, RIP is a terrible clan anyway, Mike is weak

Re: Am i right or Wrong? #Mabon#Drama

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:36 pm
by Sasuke
Meh, RIP is a terrible clan anyway, Mike is weak
He said it, not me. Lol

(God damnit, I hit the wrong button lol Need a mod to delete please)

Re: Am i right or Wrong? #Mabon#Drama

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:28 pm
by Rhinoking01
Lol sas

Re: Am i right or Wrong? #Mabon#Drama

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 6:12 pm
by Royalninja(LordRN)
Me, it has happened to me when royal giant swing ring dropped. A level 60 warrior called me a scammer because I didn't give it to him, when he barely did 1 dmg lmao.

I don't really agree with rolls, unless its a specific class item. If you take a specific class item that some one else needs, then you are a ninja, but if its craap then what evs, move on and get another boss lol

Re: Am i right or Wrong? #Mabon#Drama

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 6:25 pm
by Sasuke
Me, it has happened to me when royal giant swing ring dropped. A level 60 warrior called me a scammer because I didn't give it to him, when he barely did 1 dmg lmao.

I don't really agree with rolls, unless its a specific class item. If you take a specific class item that some one else needs, then you are a ninja, but if its craap then what evs, move on and get another boss lol
^ I usually pass on every drop I get in otherworld (minus firestorm manuals and certain Royal rings) because there's even better stuff out there. Lol

Re: Am i right or Wrong? #Mabon#Drama

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:06 pm
by Bunkie
Me, it has happened to me when royal giant swing ring dropped. A level 60 warrior called me a scammer because I didn't give it to him, when he barely did 1 dmg lmao.

I don't really agree with rolls, unless its a specific class item. If you take a specific class item that some one else needs, then you are a ninja, but if its craap then what evs, move on and get another boss lol
I was in that group lol

Re: Am i right or Wrong? #Mabon#Drama

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:40 pm
by Purepk9r