iOS Heroes! You can help The Green Man to drive back the evil from the citadel of Tor Caith.
Collect the new Ardmair Fashion, Summer Harps and rare Dryad Charms from the Suncrest Mystery Chest and battle the four Warlock’s themselves to help liberate the lands and see what secrets their jewellery hides.
Update your games via the Apple app store to join the Summer Event and help vanquish the mighty Warlocks.
Beltane 2014 Event:
The Green Man arrives in Farcrag Castle
Four bosses with exclusive jewellery sets
Daily Beltane XP Quests
Rare XP and Gold Morcas Fairies in Lir’s Reach
Suncrest Chest with brand new Ardmair fashion, Beltane Harps and Dryad charms
Nature's Mask Quest, collect them all!
Brand new luxury items from Rowan of Ardmair
NOTE: Android heroes, stay tuned, the Shadows over Beltane comes to Android tomorrow!