Starting guide
This Guide was made on a computer, if you are using a phone the information will be compressed and whenever there is a list that I've made it will look bad, please view on a computer or larger screen.
Fishing is an ability that you can gain by talking to people on the Eastern Dock in Lir's Reach. Once you gain your first fishing rod look for areas in the water that shimmer a little and open up like a circle starting small to large and repeat. These areas are the spots you can fish from. When you click on the fishing spots you will see two bars appear at the bottom of your screen, the top one will tell the fishing spot's name and the level(E.x. Rippling Waters (2)), while the bottom bar shows how much Concentration you have. When you cast your line the top green bar will start to get depleted while the purple Concentration bar will also be depleted. Once the green bar is completely gone you will have a fish in your inventory and you will gain XP for your next level. But once your purple bar is gone you won't be able to fish anymore until it isn't empty, luckily there are two ways of getting your concentration back fast. The first way is to use Fisherman's Draughts, they will give back a certain amount of concentration back as listed in the description. The second way of getting your concentration back is through leveling up which will completely fill your concentration bar. Now that you know how to start fishing and know how to keep fishing for longer you can read other parts of the guide
The types of fishing spots
There are six different fishing spots that I know of, there is the Rippling Waters, Shimmering Waters, Wise Waters, Glacial Waters, Still Waters, and a Rippling Vortex.
How the different fishing spots are unique
Rippling Waters--------------It will give the normal fish for the area with no unique things about it
Shimmering Waters--------It will give the special fish for the area and a normal amount of XP for the level it is.
Wise Waters-------------------It will give a normal fish but will give a higher amount of xp than any fishing spot in the area.
Still Waters---------------------They will add an effect called "Stillness" this effect will make it take a longer time before you can catch anything in the waters. They only produce Invasive Morthar.
Glacial Waters----------------These will only produce Ling and they only spawn in Lir's Reach.
Rippling Vortex--------------No information available.
Rippling Waters--------------White
Shimmering Waters--------Yellow/Gold
Wise Waters------------------Green
Still Waters--------------------White
Glacial Waters----------------Blue
Rippling Vortex--------------Purple
Fast leveling
The best way to level up in fishing is to obviously fish in the correct places and fish the correct level for your level. The best way to level up is to fish at fishing spots 1 level below yours to 3 levels above yours (E.x. a level 24 fisher would fish from level 23-27 fishing spots). It is recommended that you always get the best fishing equipment you can equip so that you can fish faster. As you level up there will be more and more fishing quests that can be repeated and turned in for extra XP, so until you advance from the part of the map that you are fishing from you should keep the fish to use on quests to level faster.
Fishing locations
(Don't view on a phone due to being compressed and looking bad)
Level 1-20 Fish at the Eastern Docks-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lir's Reach
Level 21-29 Fish on the piece of outstretched land near the Northern Peninsula-----------------------Lir's Reach
Levels 30-42 Fish at the dock that is east of the Highshore Village--------------------------------------------Lir's Reach
Levels 43-54 Fish at the MacCroin Encampment---------------------------------------------------------------------Shalemont Ravine
Levels 55-68 Go east of the MacCroin Encampment and follow the river.----------------------------------Shalemont Ravine
Levels 69-80 Fish along the Shalemont River--------------------------------------------------------------------------Shalemont Ravine
Levels 81-101 Fish at the waters near Stonevale Farm-------------------------------------------------------------Stonevale
Levels 102-109 Fish at Southern Dales-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stonevale
Levels 110-116 Fish at the closest dock near Twisted Tunnels--------------------------------------------------Fingal's Cave
Levels 117-129 Fish at dock south of the Clan MacLir Encampment------------------------------------------Fingal's Cave
Levels 130-149 Fish at the waters near Lock Dorcha----------------------------------------------------------------Fingal's Cave
Levels 160-163 Fish under the Central Viaduct-----------------------------------------------------------------------Dunskeig Sewres
Levels 170-179 Fish at the waters at Lower Cistern-----------------------------------------------------------------Murky Vaults
Levels 180-190 Fish at the waters east of Northern Peninsula--------------------------------------------------Lir's Reach
Levels 180-190 Fish at the waters near Lock Dorcha in the middle of the lake---------------------------Fingal's Cave
Any levels not listed here will be filled in as more information is gathered
Random Loot
(Don't view on a phone due to being compressed and looking bad)
While fishing you are able to get more than just fish, below is a list of extra things that you can acquire while fishing
Waterlogged Boot--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Common
Clam---Inside are pearls Blemish Pearls, Smooth Pearls, Lustrous Pearls ( Enchanted Pearl for marsh clams*)----------Uncommon
Sunken Lockbox---Inside will be 100,500,1000 gold coins, random elixers, Resurrection Idol-----------------------------------Uncommon
Ring of the Angler/Ring of Concentration------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rare
Other Rings-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rare
Bronze Mark of Norden------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rare
Tablet, Urn, Sword, Crown, Effigy Relics--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Extremely Rare
The Fishing Masters will have cooking recipes for you to buy to make food that will boost your stats (Strength, Dexterity, Focus, Vitality) and give regeneration (E.x. Catfish Steak- Eat to boost Focus by 56 and regenerate 30 energy per tick for 5 minutes). These foods will cost one fish that is usually in the name and will also cost a kind of spice which are acquired from the fishing masters.
-Keep your special fish from the Shimmering Waters until you have done the quest that gives you a new fishing rod in that area. The fishing masters will have a quest for you at a certain level for you to do which rewards you with a better rod but you need 1 or more of the special fish to complete it.
-If you don't have much gold to spend for the fishing potions you can just use your concentration up and then come back later to save gold but it will slow down the amount of XP you get.
-Once you can fish along the Shalemont River you can "hunt for gold", some players will run up and down the river looking for Shimmering Waters that spawn there due to them spawning there more frequently. In those Shimmering Waters you can catch Prized Pike, these will sell for 1,200 gold. (Sometimes there won't be many spawning and sometimes there will, there is no way of saying if there will be any spawning when you go there).
-If you are going to use an Elixer try to save it until you fine a Wise waters at or above your level for an extremely high amount of XP gain.
-You can use Chum (lasts for 5 minutes) from Lana the Angler in Stonevale to catch from the Still Waters much faster.
Any information that is not reported here will be placed as more information is gathered .
Last edited by SwaggyMcFlabby on Wed Mar 07, 2018 7:50 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Server: Rhiannon
Class: Mage
Name: Setrith
Clan: Outliers
Level: 151
Fishing Level: 114
Cooking Level: 140
Class: Mage
Name: Setrith
Clan: Outliers
Level: 151
Fishing Level: 114
Cooking Level: 140