Below is a list of all (or at least a large majority) luxury items from the events. Buy them at 55%-60% of their shop values, and sell them for 70%-75%+. These are constantly flowing into the game by the legacy lux shop, take advantage of those peasants wasting their gold and use it to make yourself rich. NOTE: Depending on the server, amount of players etc some items on this list are not in high demand and will be harder to sell, more valuable items like the reaper ring can also sell above shop price making this list irrelevant. The key to merching with luxury items like these is knowledge. Know what sells, Know for how much, and Know why they are worth what they are.
Might expand this post in the future if people care enough, any suggests please comment them below.
CH Luxury Items Shop Price
Samhain 2013
Midnight Amulet (100) 1M
Reaper Rings (100) 750k
Spectral Bracelets (100) 750k
Yule 2013
Icecrystal Rings (100) 500k
Icecrystal Miscs (100) 750k
Icecrystal Pendant (100) 1M
Summer 2014
Sunshard Rings (100) 500k
Sunshard Braces (100) 750k
Sunshard Amulet (100) 1M
Samhain 2014
Arachnus Rings (100) 500k
Arachnus Rings (150) 750k
Arachnus Pendant (100) 1M
Arachnus Pendant (150) 1.5M
Yule 2014
Starstone Rings (100) 500k
Starstone Bracelets (100) 625k
Starstone Amulet (100) 750k
Stargem Ring (150) 1M
Stargem Bracelet (150) 1.25M
Stargem Amulet (150) 1.5M
Spring 2015
Wyldgrove Rings (100) 500k
Wyldgrove Bracelets (100) 625k
Wyldgrove Amulets (100) 750k
Wyldshrine Rings (150) 1M
Wyldshrine Bracelets (150) 1.25M
Wyldshrine Amulets (150) 1.5M
Summer 2015
Skyglass Rings (100) 500k
Skyglass Bracelets (100) 600k
Skyglass Amulets (100) 700k
Skyprism Rings (150) 800k
Skyprism Bracelets (150) 900k
Skyprism Amulets (150) 1M
Samhaim 2015
Perceptor Rings (90) 400k
Perceptor Bracelets (90) 450k
Perceptor Amulets (90) 500k
Perceptor Rings (140) 600k
Perceptor Bracelets (140) 675k
Perceptor Amulets (140) 750k
Perceptor Rings (190) 800k
Perceptor Bracelets (190) 900k
Perceptor Amulets (190) 1M
Yule 2015
Wayfarer Rings (90) 400k
Wayfarer Bracelets (90) 450k
Wayfarer Amulets (90) 500k
Pathfinder Rings (140) 600k
Pathfinder Bracelets (140) 675k
Pathfinder Amulets (140) 750k
Trailblazer Rings (190) 800k
Trailblazer Bracelets (190) 900k
Trailblazer Amulets (190) 1M
Spring 2016
Glowstone Rings (90) 400k
Glowstone Bracelets (90) 450k
Glowstone Amulets (90) 500k
Brightstone Rings (140) 600k
Brightstone Bracelets (140) 675k
Brightstone Amulets (140) 750k
Shinestone Rings (190) 800k
Shinetone Bracelets (190) 900k
Shinestone Amulets (190) 1M
Lvl 100 Lux Shop Carrow
Elemental Axes of Triumph (100)
Haste and Speed Boost Rings (100) 350k
Damage Helms (100) 210k
Lvl 150 Lux Shop Carrow
Elemental Axes of Conquest (150) 475k
Damamge Helms (150) 240k
Quivers of the Beast (150) 500k
Merching Lux
#1MAIN: SangsDruid 220+ | ALT: Manifestus 220+ | ALT: Sang3000 223+
CLASS: Druid | Warrior | Rogue
WORLD: Arawn | Sulis | Sulis
CLASS: Druid | Warrior | Rogue
WORLD: Arawn | Sulis | Sulis