I'm pretty sure that's not the point he was trying to get across.How Slow is it for you now?
- Much faster toon switching
Honestly, this is kinda my question to the original post. How slow is it for you to switch Accounts that you'd want this option (paid?)?
I have 5 chars in 3 different accounts. I can switch chars in the same account, or from one account to another as fast as I can type in the account names and password. 10 seconds, tops!
Re: Merging my two accounts?
#11Warrior Undefined Lvl 96(Bank)
Onix Lvl 123
Rouge Quickstrike Lvl 106
Ranger Gallen Lvl 143
World Rhiannon
I'm not someone who usually sends out threats. I warn only once.
The day they touch one of my men, the rule of law is over.
Onix Lvl 123
Rouge Quickstrike Lvl 106
Ranger Gallen Lvl 143
World Rhiannon
I'm not someone who usually sends out threats. I warn only once.
The day they touch one of my men, the rule of law is over.