Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Shared Bank

I think it would be a great idea to have the bank feature open with a tab that accesses a shared bank with your other alts in your account. For instance I would have the regular bank tab for my main to store his items and gear but I can tap the shared tab and deposit items (lux or loot for another class) into it so that when I log in with my alt I can tap the shared tab and retrieve the items. This would remove the need for a MM (middle man) and reduce item scamming. It shouldn't be too difficult to add since the game can already track plat as an account thing not just a character thing. Just throwing the idea out there :)
Proud Chieftain of Clan VashtaNerada

“It goes ding when there’s stuff.” - 10th Doctor

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