...And it isn't for a lack of content imo, they are frustrated with more basic persistant issues.
from my point of view:
I actually feel like lack of content is a huge issue for burnout. Players currently have exactly one path to level: lirs->shale->SV->OW. Cata is fun but not a true alternate path.Furthermore, characters are earning half their levels in one zone (ow), and hours-wise, upwards of 3/4 life 'life' in one place. That's a recipe for burnout.
1. Two class system. Everyone paying something reasonable like $5 a month and on equal ground is the #1 most important foundation for a game. To allow kids and broke people to play you could have them pay the fee in game-gold. And if they can't pay so they can't play, they could play a minigame to harvest things or something for other players which goes straight to the auction house to make gold to pay the monthly fee so they can play again.
The cold hard fact is; this current 2 class system puts unreasonable pressure on people to keep up, people get burned out, and they leave.
As a support druid, I understand this. There is enormous pressure to have the regen lux items needed to sustain through a long boss fight. half a million gold spent on three pieces (Neck, bracelet,offhand) is essentially required to any remotely serious bossing. Alot of that gold is only acquired through extremely fortuitous drops, or plat-buying.
2. Soloing is too easy and profitable. Leveling should be challenging and require a group for serious leveling and dungeoning. Boosting group xp again would be a good first step. Mob placement needs to be like those humanoids in otherworld in more cases and areas like that should be more profitable in xp.
I can see this, in other players. I don't have this problem, as it takes me several minutes to kill a 3-star mob due to my support skill point allocation, but i see well geared DPS classes mow through mobs like a hot knife through butter. If mobs were harder I'd be more in demand for training groups as a healer. I don't know if i agree with profitable, though. The game culture has really evolved into not so much 'luxury items, but more like 'really expensive end-game required items'
3. Lack of skill balance. Simply put; if more skills were usable there would be incentive to make an alt since it would be different from everone else. Most skills are broken, only a few select ones for each class are usable making uniqueness almost impossible for serious playing.
Eh... some classes have this problem, others not so much. See above.
4. Lack of class balance. OTM knows this, enough said. The mage tweak was superficial and it made low level mages too strong while balancing high levels.
No comment here. I just don't think about it as a druid is my only character. I'd love to do more DPS for those times I gotta solo, but not at the expense of my heal capabilities.
5. Lack of social gathering places inside zones. Shale river is a decent place in this regard. In OTW there is no kinda common meeting place inside the zone. Highshore used to be a hub in lirs, but definatly not anymore. Tavern failed as a hub. Social aspect is incredibly important in an MMO and it is definatley lacking in this game.
What's the necessity of a physical meeting place? everything social is zone wide, including trading. But if it enriches the game for others, more power to them.
6. Lack of server density. Either because of low player retention due to above reasons, not enough marketing, or too many servers. It needs to be more player dense.
I have to disagree with this at every level. a decent duo, or really well geared solo'er can basically empty a whole are of mobs starting at like lvl 10.
I've made previous posts about how a lix'd up rogue with lux gear decimated the whole wisp forest for like an hour. I saw it again at ow eyes, and we all know how easy it is to keep the 6(7?) trees on lockdown. More people doesn't solve this problem. I actually plan my playtime to be in a group, or 'have something going' before primetime gets ramped up, so people see a duo or trio running around a mostly empty golem field (or wherever), and think 'Eh..., I'll move along'