As you start the game there will be many things that are intuitive, but there are a few that aren't. This guide is designed to help you with those unintuitive aspects of the game.
First, you won’t need to worry about leveling your “Toon”, or getting weapons and armor, or skills right away. The starter quest will provide all of that until you reach level 13-17. One important thing to keep in mind at this stage is that you will level much faster than your skills do. This can be a problem later on. Not so much with skills you use constantly during battles, but with skills like “Bandage Wound”, that you might use once or not at all per battle, but are very useful to have. I recommend bringing these skills up as you go (i.e. Stop questing/leveling, and keep casting meditate/recuperate/bandage wounds on yourself until the skill is maxed out for your level). If you wait till later, it will become painfully tedious to max these skill out, even with expensive elixirs.
Second, spend as little gold as possible; don’t worry about all that equipment until you absolutely need it. Your job (aside from leveling) is to save up for your first Lux regen item. You’ll need a minimum of 20,000 gold (20K) just to see what is in the Lux shop in Farcrag. The cheapest item in the shop is 25K, so that’s (almost) how much you’ll need to save up. There are several strategies you can employ to make money, but it will likely still be a slow process.
#1. There are a few quests that you’ll need to collect items to complete. Collect these items and sell them to other players who don’t want to go to the trouble of doing it themselves. (i.e. collect clovers and sell them to other players, it’s super easy, but you’d be surprised how many people will buy them from you). One of the better (starting out around level 20) is collecting Fettle cap mushrooms (“fettles”) in Shalemont.
#2. Mercantile/Trading, once you get a small bank roll going, you can monitor shouts (or shout yourself and ask) and get an idea for what other people are selling items for. If you keep track of the item prices and trends, you can occasionally buy items for less that market rates and then resell them for market value. Selling for market value or more can take a while, people who need gold right away will often sell at less than market rates (to a point). This strategy is risky and isn’t nearly as easy as it sounds. It only takes one bad deal to wipe out your bank roll if you go for that “big deal” and you’re wrong about the worth or the demand. Be conservative and you’ll do well.
#3. Grinding gold. How this works by going to an area where you are much stronger than the enemies. Kill them as fast as possible, rinse and repeat. Sell the “drops” to other player or NPC vendor.
Note: The Luxury Item trader in Farcrag pays full price for gems, but you’ll need 20k on you to buy or sell. Also, different NPC vendors pay different prices for different things, it’s up to you to determine whether it’s time effective to search out the best sale price for any given item when you could be out grinding more gold.
Once you have enough gold to buy that regen item there are a couple things to consider. Energy or health regen? It depends. I lean towards energy regen. It’s nice not to have to stop and wait for energy to regenerate as much. That means more killing and more exp/gold. All toons can cast bandage wounds and recuperate, but not all have an energy recovery skill, and the ones that do, always need more energy. Later you’ll want both.
Do Not buy Lux items from the Lux vendor! Always buy from another player who has already paid full price for the item, or who bought it off someone else. You will lose 5%-50% of your gold if you pay full retail from lux vendor.
You can sell lux items back to various vendors at 50% retail value. This is good to know as some players will sell for less than 50% retail, so that’s always a good buy even if there is no market for the item, you can sell it back to the vendor for a profit. Always try to sell your lux items to other players; they’ll usually pay more than the NPC vendor. So let’s say you buy a bronze amulet of energization for 20K from another player, who paid 25K to own this item to begin with. Why is this important? Because you are not really spending gold to own the item as you can sell it at any time usually for what you paid for it to another player. At some point you’ll need to sell that Lux item, until you own a top tier lux item.
The goal is to make money buy lux item, use it till you can afford to next tier item, then sell the old and buy the new one using the gold you invested in the old one. That’s how you work your way up to the best items. First you want regen items, until you have the best or close to it, then you want haste gloves, after that, weapons, then after that movement speed boost items.
If you are really industrious, try to do all 3 at once!
There are actually 3 other ways to make gold…
Buy Plat. Then sell the items to other players, that’s generally the fastest easiest way to make money.
Begging. Ask every player you meet for gold/items. It’s slow (so slow that you’d prolly be better off grinding, but there are always a few beggars in Farcrag…), and will get you blocked, and earn you a bad reputation, so I don’t recommend it.
Scamming. Very nasty way to make a buck. Highly NOT recommended. In fact to protect yourself from scammers, NEVER trade anything to anyone without getting something of equal value in return, not your clan mates, not even your best friend in real life.
Clans: I recommend joining one, but not right away. Bide your time, see what clan most meshes with your personality, play style, and goals. Clans that spam invites to newbie players are typically not quality clans. You’re in no rush, but do what suits you. Later on, it will be very difficult to advance your toon unless you are a member of one of the top clans on the server.
I hope this is helpful. If I knew these things when I first started I’d be much better off now.
Helpful guide for new players (hopefully...)
#1Gutshank 91 Rogue on Rosemerta server
"Bringing you and your god my greatest pleasure."
"Bringing you and your god my greatest pleasure."