Re: Most competitive world
#22+1...Dang regenlief! Lol my brain hurts
well the story of arawn lol xD
Once upon a time...
A clan called wolfgang was the first EVER clan in arawn, and is still owned today. Then, arose a clan called celts who slowly made their way to the top! BUT THEN badabing swiftly upped the charts and became top 5?... badabing and uskoci are battling for #1 right now, but we skipped a lot... as badabing got too powerful, a hero named krypto built a super clan to try to stop bada and got pretty close but fell apart. Uskoci rose and became #2. krypto made a new clan called excalibur that was #3. serenity had been created but only got to #4


Lv 130 active rogue
Long lost level 100 mage
Long lost level 100 mage
Re: Most competitive world
#23Blink blink......
Mind is on overload after all that
And Danu have drama??
Really?? Lol nawwwww 

And Danu have drama??

2nd place is just a 1st place Lo$er!