That makes me think of the next point that will play into this....
Will they introduce some type of alliance ability in the update to go hand in hand with target lock .
How can otm expect a single party to lock Aggy and win without an alliance of sorts , it's very FFXI of me but 3 groups linked together by alliance would be perfect .
Re: The issue with idols
#52I dont see how it would change unless the group with the lock always has agro then be dps group would take heavy losses. Otherwise the tank group can still hold aggy like how it is now.That makes me think of the next point that will play into this....
Will they introduce some type of alliance ability in the update to go hand in hand with target lock .
How can otm expect a single party to lock Aggy and win without an alliance of sorts , it's very FFXI of me but 3 groups linked together by alliance would be perfect .
Re: The issue with idols
#53Your ideas are cool pig, but none of them are kind on rogues... even with druids rogues die in one hit (quake, boulder toss, etc...) and all these ideas would make a rogue either useless or poor. You might say that if a rogue dies in one hit his stats must suck, but you must remember that not everyone is at Avalon status.... if I had radiant armor I'd put more points in vitality, but sadly enough Avalon took all the good festive dragons
(and if I remember correctly you guys use quite a few idols yourselves

Formally - Chimpy, level 135+ rogue, Morrigan
Currently - ChimpyOfEld, level 55+ rogue, Balor
"Men are like steel, if they lose their temper, they lose their worth"
"I am Gandalf. Gandalf the white, but black is mightier still"
Currently - ChimpyOfEld, level 55+ rogue, Balor
"Men are like steel, if they lose their temper, they lose their worth"
"I am Gandalf. Gandalf the white, but black is mightier still"
Re: The issue with idols
#54only time we use idols now is FFA fights, or learning bosses like Ymir first couple times but we always prefer to abort and rethink than go idol fest
And radiant armour is suicide on aoe bosses
I have 900 damage 2.8k hp on pig in frozen armour
And radiant armour is suicide on aoe bosses
I have 900 damage 2.8k hp on pig in frozen armour
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out
Re: The issue with idols
#55I also feel that a group in which rogues constantly die is not balanced, you should have Druids for the tank and a Druid or two with a high breath for aoe recovery
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out
Re: The issue with idols
#56Never died once from Ythair and I probably missed only a handful of spawns, and if it wasn't me tanking, dannak was, who has similar stats and equipment as me. I think Ava zerged Ythair once when there were 4 people online at 5am, and realized how stupidly expensive it was for a radiant bracelet lol.If I had radiant armor I'd put more points in vitality, but sadly enough Avalon took all the good festive dragons(and if I remember correctly you guys use quite a few idols yourselves
As to the OP, I'm glad this issue is getting some traction. I have been for the longest time advocating longer idol cool down, it just hasn't been popular months ago and my posts have been getting buried due to lack of response. But this is the only RPG I've seen/played that gives a player unlimited lives when killing a boss because of idols, and because of it, reduces challenge on killing a boss when there is no chance a raid group will wipe when bad things happen (like the main tank dying)
Re: The issue with idols
#57Never died once from Ythair and I probably missed only a handful of spawns, and if it wasn't me tanking, dannak was, who has similar stats and equipment as me. I think Ava zerged Ythair once when there were 4 people online at 5am, and realized how stupidly expensive it was for a radiant bracelet lol.If I had radiant armor I'd put more points in vitality, but sadly enough Avalon took all the good festive dragons(and if I remember correctly you guys use quite a few idols yourselves
As to the OP, I'm glad this issue is getting some traction. I have been for the longest time advocating longer idol cool down, it just hasn't been popular months ago and my posts have been getting buried due to lack of response. But this is the only RPG I've seen/played that gives a player unlimited lives when killing a boss because of idols, and because of it, reduces challenge on killing a boss when there is no chance a raid group will wipe when bad things happen (like the main tank dying)
But are members from your same clan selling the same idea , from instant use at v2 ppl did adapt to 30 sec , Now 30 sec To 1 min , well is 2 more ios mmos the used instant respawn base on platinum .... So in a year we will be asking to complete remove from the game because 1 min is too short and druids will have a better ressurection spell .... How many other game have the lvl cap 180.
Inactive player .
En este juego , mientras tanto otros juegos se llevan mi plata.
En este juego , mientras tanto otros juegos se llevan mi plata.
Re: The issue with idols
#58Admin has always said they want to make the best, most engaging game possible. This is an MMO game, since it is multiplayer game, competition exists. How can game competition be fair if one can compensate for shortcomings with real life cash? How can it be the best game if you have to spend cash to play? How can it be an engaging game when there's no strategy needed except to kill by attrition?
Players with other MMO experience are suggesting ways to improve the game. These are usually things they have seen or experienced before that they think are good aspects to an MMO. None of the ideas given in this forums are really original. Death penalties, auction houses, crafting, daily quests, mailboxes, etc. All of these have been done before and have been implemented successfully in other games.
Players with other MMO experience are suggesting ways to improve the game. These are usually things they have seen or experienced before that they think are good aspects to an MMO. None of the ideas given in this forums are really original. Death penalties, auction houses, crafting, daily quests, mailboxes, etc. All of these have been done before and have been implemented successfully in other games.
Re: The issue with idols
#59.Admin has always said they want to make the best, most engaging game possible. This is an MMO game, since it is multiplayer game, competition exists. How can game competition be fair if one can compensate for shortcomings with real life cash? How can it be the best game if you have to spend cash to play? How can it be an engaging game when there's no strategy needed except to kill by attrition?
Players with other MMO experience are suggesting ways to improve the game. These are usually things they have seen or experienced before that they think are good aspects to an MMO. None of the ideas given in this forums are really original. Death penalties, auction houses, crafting, daily quests, mailboxes, etc. All of these have been done before and have been implemented successfully in other games.
Yes all the ideas in the forums have been used in other MMOs but if you are honest you will admit that for every game idea YOU like and endorse the exact opposite idea has been put into still other games.
Not all games have the same penalty for death and many have resurrection principles.
Idols are part of this game so why demonise them? Funny no one suggests getting rid of Camo charms or ES armour. Oh yes the long time players use them so they aren't an unfair advantage like the more democratic (just need Plat) Idols.
The constant mantra of "MMO is multi player therefore every aspect is a competition" is not a truth but an opinion. How much competition each player wants differs.
If this thread is about having a level playing field lets make all quest drops No Transfer.
Or make them only tradable between characters who havent finished a particular quest or some other solution.
And take gold purchase out of the game while we are at it. Order and Chaos make gold so expensive that it is not worth buying so there is an example of this working.
Now THERE is a nice flat playing field.
You want Alts? Then work as hard at quests to level them as your first character.
You want Gold? Farm or kill big monsters and sell the non quest drops. Though gold will be scarcer so prices lower.
OTM would still need an income stream of course, especially if Idols are nerfed, but I can't solve all the problems from my comfy armchair. Apparently all problems in CH will be solved as long as you guys get the game you want, ignoring the fact this may not be the game everyone wants.
Mmmm my god complex pills taste so very gooooood..
Last edited by Landoril on Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea
Epona (The little server that could)
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea
Epona (The little server that could)
Re: The issue with idols
#60This post is not about making the game more enjoyable is about keeping Status Quo of the clans already in the top.
I made a post about how many clans have spawn idol aggaroth until now not a single clan have said we did.
Just read the whole thread, they speak about buying the kill ( seems they dont use any kind of elixers for the kill) if the are efficient enough and dont use idols why this is a concern for them? Longer cooldown times the only logical reason if to mantain power for them is not challenge to do as they do at moment why they should concern.
I made a post about how many clans have spawn idol aggaroth until now not a single clan have said we did.
Just read the whole thread, they speak about buying the kill ( seems they dont use any kind of elixers for the kill) if the are efficient enough and dont use idols why this is a concern for them? Longer cooldown times the only logical reason if to mantain power for them is not challenge to do as they do at moment why they should concern.
Inactive player .
En este juego , mientras tanto otros juegos se llevan mi plata.
En este juego , mientras tanto otros juegos se llevan mi plata.