Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Warden upgrade quest help

Its the diamond soul orb that drops in catacombs

diamond demon stone ive seen drop off demonologists (anywhere a druid spawns), the harbinger and the big rogue chick in stone
Arwen: Ranger lvl 164 chieftan Rapture Eve Rhiannon
BlueBird warrior tank lvl 88
Aurora68: Druid lvl 80
Morganelefaye: Mage lvl 81
Satine: Rogue lvl 115
Missbehavin: lvl 80Druid (on vacation) sulis

Re: Warden upgrade quest help

Lol Baohban Sidhe, my clan just calls her indian lady. But yeah, gotten one off Void Wisp, now Voidreaper.
Formerly the original Eo.
iOS Beta Tester Pre-Otherworld
Currently KEnergy
Been a Part of the Greatest Clans in Rosmerta through the thick and thin.
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