Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Ragnor Spawn Time

Wait...wouldn't that just get them to ks more? So they get rare items? Or only 1 a day chance?
Ashley A - Mabon - Novalis - 222 - Mage
Azona - Mabon - Novalis - 209 - Druid
0x15 - Mabon - Novalis - 216 - Rogue

Allymia - Epona - 220 - Rogue
Fire Mage - Epona - 220 - Mage

Aethinry Donn - Belenus - 221 - Warrior
Dakara - Belenus - 200 - Mage

Re: Ragnor Spawn Time

I agree - Ragnor needs to spawn much more frequently.
Also - maybe add a new gladiator for level 150+
Then we would not have soooo many people (level 130+) all waiting for Ragnor every day.
Lev 200 Druid: Aernak | Lev 202 Rogue: Xaima | Lev 200 Mage: EvoAngel | Lev 190 Ranger: PegBundy | Lev 155 Warrior: Akroma
Clan Avalon of Morrigan

Re: Ragnor Spawn Time

I agree - Ragnor needs to spawn much more frequently.
Also - maybe add a new gladiator for level 150+
Then we would not have soooo many people (level 130+) all waiting for Ragnor every day.

Good Idea!
Ashley A - Mabon - Novalis - 222 - Mage
Azona - Mabon - Novalis - 209 - Druid
0x15 - Mabon - Novalis - 216 - Rogue

Allymia - Epona - 220 - Rogue
Fire Mage - Epona - 220 - Mage

Aethinry Donn - Belenus - 221 - Warrior
Dakara - Belenus - 200 - Mage

Re: Ragnor Spawn Time

This has been discussed many times. Most say that the arena is a free for all area and to just take or kill the gladiator from someone else. Really sucks for us druids who aren't built for pvp/dps. Yes we can call our clan but i hate to bother people when they might be doing something else. Yes if i mentioned in clan chat that i need help most if not all would come in a heartbeat. I just dont wanna pull people away from what they're doing.

The number one suggestion has been adding a 150 gladiator which i feel would definetly help. Everyday more people hit 130 and have to camp, depending on server, with 150s also waiting on ragnor. Unfortunately the best way for us to gain xp at our level is the gladiator so we are gonna camp or steal him. If we had a 150 gladiator then that could easily fix all of our problems.

But i also have a feeling that with the new update coming soon and the soft level cap being increased to 180 they are basically going to have to make more gladiators above the 130 one. We probably just need to be patient and wait on the update. Personally i hope they bring in two for the next update. A level 150 gladiator and a level 180 gladiator, to avoid the problem we have now. Put the 150 at the other side of the arena, in front of the caged door opposite of the entrance, and throw the 180 smack dab in the middle of the arena! Have the 180 as big as like falgren, deadroot, and ignus so it stands out. Just for cosmetic purposes.

Just some thoughts.
+1 I think that would do the trick.

Im not against the whole competitive side (even being a full support druid) but like I said the line is usually MY CLAN!
IslaSerena 191 Druid (Elementals) Belenus

Re: Ragnor Spawn Time

This has been discussed many times. Most say that the arena is a free for all area and to just take or kill the gladiator from someone else. Really sucks for us druids who aren't built for pvp/dps. Yes we can call our clan but i hate to bother people when they might be doing something else. Yes if i mention in clan chat that i need help most if not all would come in a heartbeat. I just dont wanna pull people away from what they're doing.....
I have been thinking about how hard it is for druids to kill Ragnor and I think a smart and helpful alternative for this would be to make a wounded gladiator and to complete the quest the druid would have to completely heal the gladiator/dummy or whatever it may be. I think this would fix the problem that druids have with Ragnor and the quest item wouldn't have to be a medal it could be anything a gladiator could give in return for the help. :)

Re: Ragnor Spawn Time

This has been discussed many times. Most say that the arena is a free for all area and to just take or kill the gladiator from someone else. Really sucks for us druids who aren't built for pvp/dps. Yes we can call our clan but i hate to bother people when they might be doing something else. Yes if i mention in clan chat that i need help most if not all would come in a heartbeat. I just dont wanna pull people away from what they're doing.....
I have been thinking about how hard it is for druids to kill Ragnor and I think a smart and helpful alternative for this would be to make a wounded gladiator and to complete the quest the druid would have to completely heal the gladiator/dummy or whatever it may be. I think this would fix the problem that druids have with Ragnor and the quest item wouldn't have to be a medal it could be anything a gladiator could give in return for the help. :)

Doing the quests as a pure support druid sucks...not everyone can dual log with a high level to assist or find a clannie to come help when its up.
Homeworld: Gwydion
Clan: Relentless

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