So from my understanding only 150-155 boggans drop shards. Now I know you want this to be a fairly difficult quest so you just don't give away armor...but I find it a bit ridiculous that once i pass 155 no other boggans are gonna drop these shards. So i have to go back and farm them, oh and did i mention there arent that many of them. Also people gonna be leveling on them so its not like i wanna just be rude and take them all. I propose that all boggans 140-165 drop shards... i mean id like to collect shards even if its a small chance before i actually get the quest. This would also limit the number of people having to "farm" shards on a select few boggans and for the most part just let people level and hope that within a 25 level gap they get a couple pieces of armor.
just a suggestion...thoughts?
Re: Shards...
#2put in feedback but +1 even tho i havent started the quest it would be nice to get em when i train with higher lvl friends
221 rogue
221 rogue