The easiest solution would be to change them to 4 star mobs.
Then level 60 players wouldn't expect to solo them.
I like them as they are. The problem is that too many people think that if there is a mob in the game, you should be able to solo it, or a high level should kill it for you.
The truth is that mobs like Loredancers, Defectors, and Bosshogs offer lower levels a way to learn and train their grouping/bossing strategies. Whether they take the game up on that offer, however, is another story.
Get a Tank, a Healer, and a DPS. You will cut through Dancers like butter, and you will be better at fighting Falgren et al in the future.
Sure if the game was full of players wanting to group. The sad fact is that soloing all the way up to level 100 at least is the best way to go. For one their aren't enough mobs even for one person let alone a group, and 2 their aren't enough players leveling to consistently group play. It's a pitty really.