I really do not understand how you people can truely think that the person who did much less deserves the drop. The only thing i can think is you all take advantage of this to try and get free drops. It really is as simple as this, if you do the work you deserve the reward, if you don't do the work you deserve jack. The whole thing with losing all the effort youve put into a mob/boss is simply ridiculous.
I mean like i would understand if you were that person who sat there dead without respawn ing due to lack of idols or due to great distance away. If you are dead, you shouldn't get anything. But if you ressurect, i think your damage and lock should count for something. Not just "hey i noticed you did 99% of the damage, but oh well, sucks for you." I had ressurected before the miniboss was killed
I completely agree, too many people use it as a way to get free stuff for doing practically nothing.
Target lock should be like this and is like this.
The way it's spose to work is if you die you obviously aren't strong enough or your not fit, then someone else can not waste there time having it reset and re do it, if there's a problem buy pots, if there's more problems bu regan, tank set up-.-
This issue if obviously could be handled but you guys don't want to have a tank set up so stop complaining or deal with it yourself.
Second off, if you have lock and someone else is attacking also they will MOST LIKELY try to group you so they have a chance to get the drop, and you MOST LIKELY will reject, is that our problem that you can't kill a boss without help? No, if you can't kill a boss don't complain about how you didn't survive in a fight, it's your fault for dying, if your going to die then dont waste your idiols/pots bc we DONT care that you can get a boss drop bc your not strong enough!
The level of arrogance in these statements is astounding... The whole point of this is that you should not lose your effort if you die and use an idol before the enemy is killed, and you are saying we are to blame because we didnt use an idol. You either do not understand this aspect of the game or you didnt read anything before you posted that. Second off, people NEVER group you if there is any doubt that you will not survive the fight, they wait for you to die and lose the dmg that you've done and then they finish it off. Do not assume to know how we act in game, because if someone groups me i accept 99% of the time.
Losing your progress when you die (and someone else has healed you/used a spell on it/attacked it not only discourages grouping to kill a boss, but also allows people that could not come close to killing the mob/boss to get the rewards for killing it. If you have spent any time killing anything lately you would know that it is very possible for 2/3 of your skills and autos to get dodged, causing someone that can kill a mob/boss to die trying to kill it simply because of bad luck.
Enjoy the little things in life...
One day you'll look back and realize they were the big things.