And just a little buff to mordris i hear
Explains lack of real logs of changes.
To be clear, there were no changes to the Mordris encounter since the final version went live, I've had the design team review this in case there was anything changed by accident, they've looked over it carefully and there are no changes to the encounter.
The brief for the team currently is that we are not tinkering with existing content where possible for 2 reasons:
1) Our goal right now is to get the new engine released which will open up many new gameplay possibilities for the future, as well as making the game look a lot better, this is top priority and will be a huge step forward for the game once it's out.
2) The players have made it very clear that they don't like us messing with existing content. We've heard this load and clear and are not making changes unless absolutely necessary. We are after all making this game for you. The one exception to this is the starting content which existing players aren't affected by, so for this reason this is the only part of the existing content that's being tinkered with right now.