Well said. But think if it is balanced right then the plat consumption by say players on the idols wont be hindered. This can be resolved simply by increasing the cooldown rate.OK, there is this thing called sarcasm. Obviously anything that replaces the need to purchase platinum would be detrimental to One Thumb.Seriously, do you think before you type this stuff?Giving druids a resurrection spell would essentially be the same as giving them the ability to make resurrection idols which essentially equals making platinum or at least taking it away from the developers.
I would go for it only if you allow mages to convert gold into platinum or to make enchanted items.
Ever since I've seen you on the forum, which is recently, everyone dissagrees with your posts and comments because they are stupid, sorry to sounds harsh but I'm not holding back when it's the truth.
How is giving this skill to druids making is give platinum? There are health potions in the game, which many people buy even though we can just heal them, it's no different with these idols.
"I would go for it only if you allow mages to change gold into platinum": I really want to slap you for saying that, I hope you were drunk when you wrote this.
Your post attempts to assert its validity via a classic Argumentum ad hominem and the conclusions you draw are spurious.
The resurrection ability would be very similar to using a resurrection idol.
Resurrection idols are bought with platinum though sometimes are dropped.
Thus by permitting druids this ability, people will buy fewer platinum since they wont need resurrection idols any more.
So giving a druid a resurrection idol is like taking platinum out of the hands of One Thumb.
So in essence the druid would have the ability to cast a spell every minute that is equivalent to spending platinum.
Thus the leap to - if druids can make platinum why not everybody else, which is obviously ridiculous.
That was the point. It would be too game changing.
Also, forums are used for brainstorming, the concept where many ideas are thrown out for open discussion. All ideas are made available for comment and through discussion of the possibilities a consensus is made. Often the best ideas occur when we think outside the box. Brainstorming generates a great many poor ideas in order to eventually identify a diamond amongst the coal. The worst possible behavior in a forum is to be petulant.
Now plat (Do correct if im wrong) is a gereated currency that in essence cost nothing to make. Its only obtainable with the use of real money (No accounting the FB and twitter) Now there is really no loss of money with this spell.
Think of what i just said like this.... Tank dies has no idol and has no money thus no plat to buy an idol so he wasnt guna buy one anyways just respawn and try again. You resurect him saving him the trip theres no loss in money to CH. Now increasing the cooldown of this skill will make it a valuable skill much needed and only used when the situation presents itself. But you will always have those who will abuse the intended use of a skill but thats inevitable.
Lets let the new beta testers decide if it is even added into the game.