Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

the start of a new world

hey everyone, I started thinking about the game, and what I like and what I miss. And I found out, that the game is amezing when you're 130+ but until then its not incredible amezing. so I thought, what if we open a new world, one without the otherworld and everything that came after it, so a lvl 100 limit again. I think alot of people would like to play here, because its different, smaller again. and to keep the amount of people on that server low, maybe decide that only people who have a lvl 100+ account in a different world are able to join?
I'd like to hear other people's opinion about this.

Ps. sorry for my crappy english

Re: the start of a new world

hey everyone, I started thinking about the game, and what I like and what I miss. And I found out, that the game is amezing when you're 130+ but until then its not incredible amezing. so I thought, what if we open a new world, one without the otherworld and everything that came after it, so a lvl 100 limit again. I think alot of people would like to play here, because its different, smaller again. and to keep the amount of people on that server low, maybe decide that only people who have a lvl 100+ account in a different world are able to join?
I'd like to hear other people's opinion about this.

Ps. sorry for my crappy english
+1! id love to have the v2 worlds up, but get rid of the level 100 limit, thaz dumb
Galactus: Level 100 Rogue
World: Taranis
Clan: Curiosity

Re: the start of a new world

I agree. Idk if it would happen, but these times were the best, and the most fun!
Clan: WolfGang
Chaz - Level 185+ Ranger - Full DL
Inferno19 - Level 127+ Mage
Sneakystrike - Level 195+ Rogue - Full DL
EpIcHeaLzz - Level 137+ Druid
Tankerzz - Level 127+ Warrior (PvP Beast: Invincible Veteran)

World: Mabon

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