by MarcusD
Call me a philosopher (and you would be right) but this post got me thinking about some very deep topics. First of all is lust. The only thing I really lust after is women. When you long for an item or a car or a house does it feel the same to you as lust after the opposite sex? Not asking this to the OP, just for everyone in general. I don't understand it. Like the seeing something in the window and you want it soo bad you would do anything to get it? Lusting after a ferrari or maserati? I don't understand that. I have admired things I think are useful and well made but never had a primal desire for anything inatimate. Am I thinking about this wrong or am I the odd man out since I don't get this?
Secondly, this item doesn't make sense to me. I understand putting damage in place of armor for event items. I really do. But the helm pieces always make me tilt my head. Should helms really give massive boosts to health and energy? What is up with that? Just makes no sense to me. The summer event armor always has be baffled and confused. Why can't items just make sense? Like put mental attack evasion on the helm, movement attack evasion on the boots, weakening attack evasion on the chest, warding on the gloves, and physical attack evasion on the pants. Why does this have to be so hard and complicated?
A Mage is like a Lamborghini, You don't get one as your first car or daily driver and there are cheaper cars that go faster and are more comfortable anyway.