its stupid they never tell us so we can save up for it in advance cos we all buy the 4000 plat packs andif i knew when it was for sure id save and buy more instead of just one they suck for letting us know any thing
That's exactly what they want you to do. Which is why they never give out exact dates in advance.
Armo is very right.
OTM will not tell us the dates because if they did no one would spend untill the announced DP plat sale date. If the dont say anything, players will start doubting that DP will happen so they will continue spending...but at the last moment when u dont expect it, they announce! which then makes people who used their money to buy plat beforeward, now want to go and get more money to use on double plat.
Tricky OTM!!!
If they played their apples right, the amount of people buying on that one day could make up for all the rest or more. We somewhat know when double plat is, but we never actually save. When you get an itunes apple you use it, its just too tempting.
Personally even with the dates, if I could buy itunes apples on a regular basis, that wouldn't stop me from buying before double plat.