What celtic heroes NEEDS is for there to be actual CLASS BALANCE and if not that then the classes need to be FIXED. We don't NEED new areas. There are plenty already. We don't need it to be like order and chaos where theres like 30 areas... Also, judging by the fact that u DONT SEEM TO HAVE A SINGLE CLUE ABOUT WHAT IS WRONG WITH CELTIC HEROES... I'm assuming ur a lvl 100 noobIf you don't think we need new zones you got a lot to learn about RPGs in general . That is the most important thing needed right now to keep this game alive . Running in circles collecting fairies and what not like idiots with our heads cut off is ridiculous and is about to make me delete my account and go back to Everquest .
But I love celtic heroes and what it offers we just need MORE !!!
Re: New engine
#11A person starts to live when he can live outside himself. - Einstein
God is subtle but he is not malicious. - Einstein
God is subtle but he is not malicious. - Einstein