Gwyidon is quite quiet aside from the occasion add pull and arena war, ill say this as a 3rd party as i know both clans do it and i dont wanna turn this into a hate post
I've personally never seen anyone from Relentless pull adds while I've been camping. I condemn pulling adds and griefing, it can however happen when the opposing clan does it.
There has been only 1 arena war in months few days ago, and that was when someone/some people decided to spread rumours and say vulgar statements about a player.
I'm neutral as it gets and I base all my opinions on observations.
Gwydion is really a weird world. There exists very few tactical leaders and players who like to step up and take intiative. Although it's less drama filled. As to OP's question, that is subjective. A world forum may have a lot of posts which are about buying/selling and will be good. Although there are world forums where all the topics are about griefing, scammers, etc.