Re: 2 void helms in 3 MORDRIS on crom
#11No offence but why does a mage need hp? We are not ment to take a hit and if ur tank can't keep aggro then maybe find a new tank. IMHO a focus mordy helm is much more beneficial to a druid than a mage since we r focused in on being an offensive dmg class n end game raiding, where a drd can use the added focus and evasions since they r n aoe n frontal a lot of the time healing a main tank. And if any mage should use a mordy helm it should b lure or ice MAGES fire mages get much more dps with using a hrun firestorm helm along with not needing to find multiple rings to max firestorm. But oh well what do i no Cg crom on getting void helms now rose needs some
Time feels like a midnight ride finality waits outside